RESPONSE TO [DOC#190] - Page 1IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., § Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-FMANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and §MUNISH KRISHAN, §Plaintiffs. §§v. §§JEFFREY BARON, and §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §Defendants. §APPELLANT’S LIMITED OBJECTION TO THE RECEIVER'S FIRSTAPPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF FEES INCURRED BYRECEIVERSHIP PROFESSIONAL JOSHUA COX [DOC#190]TO THE HONORABLE ROYAL FURGESON, U.S. DISTRICT JUDGE:COMES NOW, Appellant Jeffrey Baron and makes this limited objection tothe Receiver's First Application For Reimbursement Of Fees Incurred ByReceivership Professional Joshua Cox [Doc#190].1. Mr. Baron has appealed the order appointing the receiver [Doc #136].2. The filing of a notice of appeal is an event of jurisdictionalsignificance— it confers jurisdiction on the Court of Appeals and divests thedistrict court of its control. Griggs v. Provident Consumer Discount Co., 459 U.S.56, 58 (1982). The divesture of jurisdiction of the trial court involves those aspectsof the case appealed. Id.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 231 Filed 01/19/11 Page 1 of 3 PageID 4835RESPONSE TO [DOC#190] - Page 23. The powers of the district court over the matter appealed from,pending appeal are limited to maintaining the status quo and do not to extendto the point that the district court can divest the Court of Appeals from jurisdictionwhile the issue is before the Court of Appeals on appeal. Coastal Corp. v. TexasEastern Corp., 869 F.2d 817, 820 (5th Cir. 1989).4. Accordingly, pending appeal the district court is without jurisdiction todispose of any of Mr. Baron’s assets which were seized by the receiver. See e.g.,Taylor v. Sterrett, 640 F.2d 663, 668 (5th Cir. 1981) (“[T]he District Court wasdivested of jurisdiction only as to matters relating to the April 27 and May 12orders and subsequent orders and, for that reason, fees cannot be recovered forwork relating to these orders”); Dayton Indep. School Dist. v. US Mineral Prods.Co., 906 F.2d 1059, 1063 (5th Cir. 1990) (“A district court does not have thepower to ‘alter the status of the case as it rests before the Court of Appeals’.”).5. Further, Mr. Baron has no responsibility for the liabilities oradministrative fees or costs relating to any other receivership entity. Mr. Baron’sassets cannot be used to pay the expenses of another party that was placed intoreceivership. Moreover, the scope of the receivership extends to Mr. Baron’sexempt property, and distribution of such exempt property would be unlawful.6. To the extent that the requested fees are bona fide expenses incurred by theLLC entities in the ordinary course of their business activities, (and so long as theCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 231 Filed 01/19/11 Page 2 of 3 PageID 4836RESPONSE TO [DOC#190] - Page 3LLC entities are paying the bill), the Court clearly has jurisdiction to ensure theongoing operation of the LLC entities– as that is the status quo. Accordingly, noobjection is made to that portion of the requested fees which are bona fide expensesincurred by the LLC entities in the ordinary course of business and to be paid forby those entities.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsState Bar No. 00791608Drawer 670804Dallas, Texas 75367(214) 210-5940(214) 347-4031 FacsimileAPPELLATE COUNSEL FORJEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this was served on all parties who receive notificationthrough the Court’s electronic filing system./s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 231 Filed 01/19/11 Page 3 of 3 PageID 4837![]()