IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., ET AL., §PLAINTIFFS §§V. § Case No. 3:09-CV-0988-F§JEFFREY BARON, ET AL., §DEFENDANTS. §COUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARON’S REPORT REGARDINGMOVANT’S PARTICIPATION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY1) On January 4, 2011 this Honorable Court conducted a hearing at which time His Honorbecame concerned about Movant’s, Jeffrey Baron, mental state.2) At such time His Honor directed undersigned counsel to make arrangements to ensure thatMr. Baron received appropriate psychotherapy before the weeks end.3) Undersigned Counsel contacted numerous medical providers in an effort to get Jeffrey Baroninto treatment on such short notice. The only provider that Undersigned Counsel wassuccessful in locating, who could accommodate Movant, was a Dr. Randy Ingram, Ph.D. Heis located in Carrollton, Texas, near Movant’s residence [Movant either walks or takes thebus for transportation]. Although Dr. Ingram is not a licensed psychologist, he works underone and is going to receive his license shortly. He is experienced in treating depression andanxiety.4) Movant executed a Waiver of Confidentiality as to between Dr. Ingram and UndersignedCounsel. Undersigned Counsel has filled Dr. Ingram in on the case. Undersigned Counselfollowed up with Dr. Ingram after the Movants scheduled appointment at 10:00 a.m. onCounsel’s Report Regarding M ovant’s Participation in Psychotherapy - Page 1USCA5 4260January 6, 2011, to ensure that Movant had indeed attended his appointment, and wasinformed by Dr. Ingram that he had (See Attachment).5) Undersigned Counsel paid for the forgoing referral appointment out of his pocket with hiscredit card, since it was on such short notice, in order to comply with this Court’s directive.In the process of setting up this appointment it was determine that the Receivership haddirectly caused Baron’s insurance to be canceled. Undersigned Counsel is presentlycooperating with Mr. Barry M. Golden, counsel for Peter Vogel, the Receiver in this case,in an effort to determine what caused this lapse in Mr. Baron’s insurance. Mr. Barrett andMr. Golden have agreed to continue cooperating in an ongoing effort to make funds availableto Jeff Baron for any and all medical purposes while his insurance is out of coverage.RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,/s/ Peter M. BarrettPETER M. BARRETTTexas Bar No.: 00790272MOORE BARRETT & LINDER3500 Oak Lawn AvenueSuite 700Dallas, TX 75219Office: 214.526.0555Facsimile: 214.521.0012ATTORNEY FOR MOVANTCounsel’s Report Regarding M ovant’s Participation in Psychotherapy - Page 2USCA5 4261CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEOn this the 7 day of January, 2011, Undersigned Counsel for Movant hereby certifies thattha true and correct copy of the foregoing document, Counsel For Jeffrey Baron’s Report RegardingMovant’s Participation In Psycho Therapy, was delivered to all parties involved via the electronicfiling of this document./s/ Peter M. BarrettATTORNEY FOR MOVANTCounsel’s Report Regarding M ovant’s Participation in Psychotherapy - Page 3USCA5 4262USCA5 4263![]()