1 | P a g eCIVIL ACTION NO. 3:13-cv-03461-OIN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDallas DivisionJEFFREY BARON,Appellantv.ELIZABETH SHURIG, et. al.AppelleesON APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASEMERGENCY MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF APPELLANT’S MOTIONFOR STAY PENDING APPEAL OF ORDER OF RELIEF AND BRIEF IN SUPPORTComes now Appellant Jeffrey Baron (“Baron”) and, pursuant to Federal Rule of CivilProcedure 54(b), files this Emergency Motion for Reconsideration of Baron’s Motion for StayPending Appeal of the Order of Relief in Involuntary Case and Brief in Support. In supporthereof, Baron would respectfully show as follows:1. Even though the attorney fee order (the “Fee Order”), which serves the sole basisfor the Petitioning Creditors’ standing and the determination that Baron is insolvent, has neverbeen enforced and was permanently stayed by the issuing court (Judge Ferguson), theBankruptcy Court has decided to essentially unstay the Fee Order and enforce it in aninvoluntary bankruptcy case. Indeed, the Fee Order was entered over 2 years ago, and noPetitioning Creditor has ever been paid a nickel under such Order in any court or in anyproceeding.Case 3:13-cv-03461-O Document 39 Filed 11/22/13 Page 1 of 5 PageID 73492 | P a g e2. Why not? Because the Fifth Circuit unequivocally ruled that the PetitioningCreditors held merely unresolved claims against Baron and therefore could not seek theimposition of an extreme equitable remedy, like the freezing of assets or the imposition ofreceivership, and the Fee Order arose from an illegal receivership. The Petitioning Creditorshave taken the illogical position that the Fifth Circuit never considered the Fee Order inreversing the receivership, but they know full and well that the appeal of the Fee Order wasconsolidated with the appeal of the receivership order and both sides spent over 50 pages fullybriefing the Fifth Circuit on the merits of the fee award. Thus, the Fifth Circuit necessarilyconsidered the merits of the Fee Order and still found that the Petitioning Creditors heldunresolved claims.3. The fact that the Fifth Circuit did not specifically vacate the Fee Order—alongwith 60+ other interlocutory orders that were involved in the consolidated appeal—is of noevent, because the reversal of the receivership had the effect of vacating the Fee Order and anyother interlocutory order entered pursuant to the illegal receivership (unless otherwise directedby the Fifth Circuit). That is precisely why, after the Fifth Circuit mandate issued, JudgeFurgeson denied the renewed request by the Petitioning Creditors to enforce the Fee Order. As aresult of losing before the Fifth Circuit and Judge Furgeson on their fee requests, the Petitioningcreditors forum shopped the Fee Order in a more friendly forum, the Bankruptcy Court.4. Ignoring entirely that the Petitioning Creditors had previously lost, theBankruptcy Court took the position that a clarification order entered by the Fifth Circuit thirteendays after it entered its opinion reversing the receivership (the “Reversal Opinion”) somehowproved that the Fifth Circuit wanted the Fee Order to remain effective and in place. Contrary tothe Bankruptcy Court’s misunderstanding, the clarification order was only entered to remind theCase 3:13-cv-03461-O Document 39 Filed 11/22/13 Page 2 of 5 PageID 73503 | P a g eparties of Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 41 and prevent the irreparable harm caused by thePetitioning Creditors’ commencement of the involuntary case. If anything the clarification orderenforced the original receivership order by Judge Furgeson, which clearly enjoined thePetitioning Creditors from filing the involuntary case.5. The stay pending appeal is certainly warranted in this case, as Baron has alreadysuffered an enormous injury at the request of the Petitioning Creditors. He has already incurredover $5 million in damages paying for the costs of an illegal receivership and paying a trustee inOndova Limited Company’s bankruptcy case (the “Ondova Trustee”) to satisfy creditor claims.His assets have dwindled to virtually nothing. But that is not the full extent of his loss, as theReceiver and current chapter 7 trustee in his Involuntary Case (the “Involuntary Case”) have,and continue, to use Baron’s remaining assets and, more importantly, waive Baron’s valuableconstitutional rights in connection with challenging the Petitioning Creditors’ claims. In fact,while this appeal is pending and no stay is in effect, the Receiver has recently requested to bepaid approximately $1.3 million from Baron’s remaining assets.6. On the other hand, the Petitioning Creditors—who have already been paid over $3million in fees by Baron, who seek to satisfy their claims in Ondova Limited Company’sbankruptcy, who have never posted a bond for anything and who have relied on trustees andreceivers to make their arguments for them—have suffered little or no harm in fighting againstBaron. Indeed, the Petitioning Creditors have never gone to trial on their claims and havemanipulated the civil process to ensure that Baron has no rights or assets to dispute their claims.7. Even though Baron has already lost way more than any other party, heunderstands the real danger of exhausting his remaining assets by the litigation tactics employedby the Petitioning Creditors, with the aid of others. Baron therefore requests a modified stayCase 3:13-cv-03461-O Document 39 Filed 11/22/13 Page 3 of 5 PageID 73514 | P a g epending appeal, where he will agree to deposit most of his assets with this Court, provided he beallowed access to, sufficient funds to properly prosecute this Appeal and address otherproceedings affecting his substantive rights.8. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b) allows the Court to reconsider priorinterlocutory orders that it has entered. This Court previously based its denial of Baron’s motionfor stay pending appeal on (a) technical noncompliance with Bankruptcy Rule 8005 and (b)many of the factual and legal findings previously made by the Bankruptcy Court in issuing herorder for relief. In the Memorandum in Support of Emergency Motion for Reconsideration ofAppellant’s Motion for Stay Pending Appeal of Order of Relief and Brief in Support (“Brief inSupport”), Baron corrected the technical non-compliance with Bankruptcy Rule 8005 anddemonstrated how the Bankruptcy Court’s prior findings resulted in manifest errors of law andfacts and therefore should not be relied on by this Court. Accordingly, pursuant to Federal Rule54(b), this Court has sufficient cause to reconsider its prior denial of Baron’s request for a staypending appeal. The irreparable harm that Baron stands to suffer in the near future certainlywarrants such reconsideration.9. For all the foregoing reasons, as well as the reasons set forth in his Brief inSupport, Appellant Jeffrey Baron requests this Court reconsider its Stay Order and grant a stay ofthe Order of Relief pending an appeal.Case 3:13-cv-03461-O Document 39 Filed 11/22/13 Page 4 of 5 PageID 73525 | P a g eDated: November 22, 2013 Very respectfully,Tayari Law PLLCBy: /s/ M. Tayari Garrett ______Mpatanishi S. Tayari Garrett100 Crescent Court, Ste. 700Dallas, Texas 75201Tel: (214) 459.8266Fax: (214) 764.7289m.tayari@tayarilaw.comAcosta & Associates P.C./s/ H. Joseph Acosta______H. Joseph Acosta619 E. 2ndStreetIrving, Texas 75060Tel: (214) 614.8939Fax: (214) 614.8992jacosta@acosta-law.comThe Cochell Law Firm, P.C./s/ Stephen R. Cochell___________Stephen R. CochellTexas Bar No. 240442557026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259Houston, Texas 77096(713)980-8796 (phone)(713)980-1179 (facsimile)srcochell@cochellfirm.comAttorneys for Appellant Jeffrey BaronCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEOn this date, I electronically submitted the foregoing document with the U.S. DistrictCourt, Northern District of Texas, using the electronic case filing system of the court. I herebycertify that I have served all parties who receive notification through the electronic filing system./s/ H. Joseph AcostaH. Joseph AcostaCase 3:13-cv-03461-O Document 39 Filed 11/22/13 Page 5 of 5 PageID 7353![]()