Please return this remittance page with your payment to:Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, P.O. Box 660256, Dallas, TX 75266-0256 (payments only). Payment can also be made by WIRE to:AmegyBank, 2501 North Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201 - ABA routing number: 113011258 , Account name: Gardere Wynne SewellLLP, Account #: 53271439,For INTERNATIONAL WIRES: Amegy Bank, SWIFT SWBK US44. Important: Please reference a Client #and/or Invoice #GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL LLPATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS1601 ELM STREET SUITE 3000DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-4761(214) 999-3000TAX I.D. 75-0730814Peter S. Vogel, Receiver1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000Dallas, TX 75201July 24, 2012Invoice Number: 1079710Due within 30 days of receiptClient: 136589REMITTANCE ADVICERe: Matter: 000002 Counsel for ReceiverTotal Fees 93,588.00Total Disbursements 1,196.25TOTAL CURRENT BILL $ 94,784.25Outstanding Receivables as of July 24, 2012 for the matter indicated above:INVOICE #: 1033873 04/27/11 50,580.95INVOICE #: 1033876 04/27/11 79,822.37INVOICE #: 1037496 06/07/11 15,744.27INVOICE #: 1037499 06/07/11 29,644.74INVOICE #: 1042633 07/19/11 18,645.85INVOICE #: 1042843 07/21/11 8,475.09INVOICE #: 1047329 09/08/11 40,938.55INVOICE #: 1050634 10/11/11 19,153.51INVOICE #: 1054040 11/10/11 18,205.94INVOICE #: 1059360 12/21/11 40,522.45INVOICE #: 1060949 01/10/12 11,698.18INVOICE #: 1063641 02/24/12 18,443.44INVOICE #: 1065335 02/24/12 13,128.33INVOICE #: 1067911 03/15/12 8,150.00INVOICE #: 1071245 04/23/12 19,581.15INVOICE #: 1071347 04/24/12 12,726.52INVOICE #: 1073849 06/21/12 12,088.69INVOICE #: 1075925 06/21/12 18,955.99Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 1 of 18 PageID 60213USCA5 133Please return this remittance page with your payment to:Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP, P.O. Box 660256, Dallas, TX 75266-0256 (payments only). Payment can also be made by WIRE to:AmegyBank, 2501 North Harwood Street, Dallas, Texas 75201 - ABA routing number: 113011258 , Account name: Gardere Wynne SewellLLP, Account #: 53271439,For INTERNATIONAL WIRES: Amegy Bank, SWIFT SWBK US44. Important: Please reference a Client #and/or Invoice #TOTAL OUTSTANDING $ 436,506.02TOTAL DUE AND OUTSTANDING $ 531,290.27Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 2 of 18 PageID 60214USCA5 134GARDERE WYNNE SEWELL LLPATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS1601 ELM STREET SUITE 3000DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-4761(214) 999-3000TAX I.D. 75-0730814Peter S. Vogel, Receiver1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000Dallas, TX 75201July 24, 2012Invoice Number: 1079710Client: 136589Due within 30 days of receiptFOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED THROUGH 07/06/12Matter no: 000002Counsel for ReceiverDate Attorney/Description Hours06/01/12 B. GoldenReview orders from Fifth Circuit regarding oral argument and consolidation (.1);review correspondence from Kane Russell regarding potential appearance anddetermine strategy regarding same (.1); review motion to appear as counsel forBaron (.1).0.3006/01/12 P. LohReview and analyze letter from the Fifth Circuit concerning final briefingschedule and possibility of oral argument (.3); review and analyze motion forStephen Cochell to appear as attorney for Jeff Baron (.6); research and analyzeMr. Cochell's background and qualifications (.2); arrange for deactivation of LLCdomain name which may be subject of UDRP action (.2); investigate whether theReceiver controls the same (.1); review and analyze pending tasks needingcompletion for termination of the Receivership (.4); review and analyze status ofefforts to sell LLCs' domain name portfolios to satisfy receivership liabilities (.5).2.2006/01/12 J. BlakleyReview global settlement agreement to forecast settlement payments expectedfrom Manila and Netsphere to Village Trust to be diverted to receivership estate,and draft memorandum outlining expected payments (.5); draft and send letter toformer Baron attorneys outlining recent filings related to their former attorneyclaims (.4); draft and file notice with the district court regarding same (.3);receive and review orders from Fifth Circuit regarding appeal consolidation andbriefing schedule, conference with Receiver regarding same (.3); draft and fileMartin Thomas fee application (.4); draft and submit proposed order grantingMartin Thomas fee application (.3); update, supplement, and circulate internalchart tracking all Baron appeals to the Fifth Circuit and district court (.4); update,supplement, and circulate internal chart tracking all pending motions (.4); receiveand review Stephen Cochell's motion for appointment as counsel (.2); receive andreview court order granting Martin Thomas fee application (.1).3.30Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 3 of 18 PageID 60215USCA5 135Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 4Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/03/12 B. GoldenAnalyze strategy for call with potential new Baron counsel (.1).0.1006/04/12 K. NiesmanReview and comment on engagement agreement involving Quantec LLC & NovoPoint LLC. (.9).0.9006/04/12 M. NewmanReview of portfolio valuation engagement letter; provide comments to same (.7).0.7006/04/12 B. GoldenAnalyze strategy for responding to Schepps' motion to reconsider with FifthCircuit (.1).0.1006/04/12 P. LohDraft letter to counsel of Citigroup, Inc. concerning pending cybersquattingclaims against LLC domain names (.5); correspond with counsel for Citigroup,Inc. concerning same (.1); correspond with possible counsel for Mr. Baron fromKane Russell firm (.3); correspond with court personnel concerning pendingmotions before the court (.2); review and analyze pending tasks needingcompletion for termination of Receivership (.3); correspond with counsel for theTrustee concerning termination of Receivership (.4); draft engagement letter withMarksmen for appraisal of entire domain name portfolio (.8).2.6006/04/12 J. BlakleyDraft and circulate memorandum to Receivership team regarding motions filedbefore district court stay and still pending (.3); phone call and correspondencewith D. Nelson regarding domain name sales (.4); receive and reviewmemorandum from J. Eckels regarding non-renewal of certain domain names (.4).1.2006/05/12 K. NiesmanRevise Quantec LLC and Novo Point LLC engagement agreement regardingvaluation of domains (1.0); office conference with Peter Loh regarding same andadditional revisions (.4).1.4006/05/12 B. GoldenAnalyze strategy relating to oral argument at Fifth Circuit and responding toSchepps' motion for reconsideration at Fifth Circuit (.1).0.1006/05/12 P. LohReview and analyze engagement letter from Marksmen for appraisal of entire LLCdomain name portfolio (.5); draft letter to counsel for Citigroup concerningfederal court lawsuit against LLC domain names and stay of same (.8); review andanalyze Mr. Baron's motion to reconsider Fifth Circuit directive and briefingschedule and whether a response is necessary (.6); correspond with counsel for theTrustee concerning same (.4); review memoranda recommending deactivation ofcertain domain names which are the subject of possible UDRP actions (.3);correspond in writing and via telephone with counsel for complainants withpossible UDRP actions against LLC domain names (.8); draft motion to liquidatedomain name portfolio and pay creditors (1.5).4.9006/05/12 J. BlakleyReceive and review Baron's Motion to Reconsider Court Directive on BriefingPeriods for New Appeals from the District Court (.4); phone call with FifthCircuit clerk's office (.2); correspondence with M. Thomas regarding wire transferpursuant to Court order (.1); correspondence with BBVA Compass regarding wiretransfer (.3); correspondence with D. Nelson regarding domain deactivations (.1);correspondence with P. Loh regarding certain UDRP disputes (.3); start draftingtenth deactivation motion (.6).2.00Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 4 of 18 PageID 60216USCA5 136Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 5Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/06/12 P. LohReview and analyze memorandum concerning deactivation of domain namesubject to UDRP complaint (.1); correspond with Receiver concerning same (.1);draft motion to liquidate domain name portfolio (4.3); correspond with DamonNelson concerning same with specific attention to particular method of appraisalof portfolio (.7); correspond with counsel for the Trustee concerning legalauthority for reserve fund to pay for legal expenses and other receivershipadministrative costs post receivership (.4); research whether there is legalauthority for maintenance of such a fund (.5).6.0006/06/12 J. BlakleyDraft and send conference email regarding tenth deactivation motion (.2); draft,file, and serve tenth deactivation motion, prepare exhibits thereto (.5); draft andsubmit proposed order granting tenth deactivation motion (.2); receive and reviewNAF order staying UDRP lawsuit (.2); receive and review order granting tenthdeactivation motion (.1).1.2006/07/12 K. NiesmanPrepare email to Peter Loh regarding Marksmen - Quantec LLC and Novo PointLLC engagement letter regarding valuation of domains and revise same (.2);telephone conference with Peter Loh regarding open issues, especially indemnity(.2); telephone conference with Bev Godbey regarding indemnity (.1).0.5006/07/12 P. LohReview and analyze Receivership's liabilities and assets with particular attentionto monies to be paid to the Village Trust per the Global Settlement Agreement(.6); draft Receiver's report of work for May 2012 (4.7); draft engagement letterwith appraisal service for sale of LLCs' domain name portfolio (.6); correspondwith counsel for party with potential UDRP complaint against LLC domain name(.2).6.1006/07/12 J. BlakleyPhone call with R. Urbanik regarding terms of global settlement agreementrelating to Manila/Netsphere payment obligations (.6).0.6006/08/12 B. GoldenAnalyze strategy for whether to respond to Schepps' motion to reconsider at FifthCircuit (.1); analyze strategy relating to motion to sell bulk package of domainnames (.2); analyze strategy relating to motion to modify/close outReceivership(.1); analyze strategy for arguments relating to motion to allowappearance of new Baron attorney(.1); receive and review numerous orders issuedby Court on June 8, 2012 (.2); analyze strategy for determining and monetizingmonies owed by Netsphere (.1); analyze strategy for preparing and filing MayReceivership Report (.1).0.9006/08/12 P. LohCorrespond with representatives of entities with possible UDRP claims againstLLC domain names (.3); review and analyze cash flow forecasts from DamonNelson for LLCs through 2012 (.5); review and analyze accounting snapshots forLLCs for May 2012 (.3); correspond with Grant Thornton concerning audit ofsame (.2); correspond with Morgan Adler law firm (former Baron attorneys)concerning invoices for legal services (.2); review and analyze pending tasksrequiring completion for termination of receivership (.3); draft motion toliquidate domain name portfolios (.3); review and analyze orders issued by theCourt lifting the stay, denying other forms of relief without prejudice, setting ahearing for June 27, and related issues (.6).2.70Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 5 of 18 PageID 60217USCA5 137Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 6Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/08/12 J. BlakleyDraft and send memorandum to Receivership team regarding global settlementpayments that Receiver may intercept in near future (.4); phone call with districtcourt's clerk office and email re-submitting proposed orders (.1); receive andreview district court's orders granting the Trustee's motion to reconsider stay,granting the Receiver's motion for reconsideration of order regarding Mr. Baron'srequest to research financing options, granting the Receiver's fifth motion toclarify Receiver Order, denying without prejudice all motions pending prior to thedistrict court's stay, and setting hearing on appointment of Baron's counsel (.7);receive from D. Nelson and review LLC cash flow forecasts through December2012 (.4).1.7006/09/12 B. GoldenCoordinate efforts for payment of Baron's insurance, rent, and living expenses(.1); prepare detailed outline of arguments to incorporate into response toCochell's motion for appointment as counsel in the underlying case (.5); analyzestrategy for hearing on same motion (.1); review Schepps' motion to reconsiderdirective on briefing periods for new appeals from the District Court (.1); analyzestrategy relating to potential response to same motion (.1); analyze strategyrelating to response to forthcoming principal appellate brief for 12-10489 (.1);analyze strategy regarding potential response to District Court's directiveregarding stay of the underlying case, including potential settlement negotiationswith Netsphere (.1); analyze strategy for responding to Trustee's 31st feestatement in Ondova, including seeking position from Martin Thomas, preparingresponse brief, and presenting evidence at hearing (.1); determine status andstrategy relating to May Receivership report (.1); analyze status and strategy forpreparing and filing UDRP charts (.1); analyze strategy for preparing and filingfinancial picture projecting through June 30, 2012 (.1); analyze strategy forhaving Grant Thornton audit Damon Nelson's May Financial Analysis (.1);analyze status relating to sales of and and impact onTrustee' s assets and liabilities (.1); determine status relating to sale of domainname packages (.1); prepare argument relating to post-Receivership paymentvehicle, for purposes of incorporating into incorporate into motion to selladditional domain names (.2); determine strategy, status, and orders concerningpayments to Former Baron Attorneys (.1); analyze strategy for negotiating withTrustee over payment of Trustee creditor claims and review related draft motionfrom Trustee and related correspondence from Trustee (.1); review June 4 versionof chart of pending motions before District Court and determine strategy forrevising same chart (.1); review June 4 version of chart of pending appeal briefsand determine strategy for revising same chart (.1); analyze strategy for preparingand filing Eleventh Motion to Confirm Propriety of Deactivations and updatedchart of deactivations (.1); analyze strategy and status for renewal of May-expiring domain names (.1); determine protocol for confirm receipts of paymentsfrom Netsphere for quarterly interest and Pokerstar revenues (.1); analyze strategyfor filing nineteenth motion to renew certain money-losing domain names (.1);review June 1 letter to Former Baron Attorneys regarding status of case anddetermine strategy for preparing subsequent letter to send them in July (.1);review Damon Nelson's June 8 cash flow projection through year end anddetermine conclusions to be reached from same (.1); prepare and circulateupdated Receivership projects chart (.5).3.50Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 6 of 18 PageID 60218USCA5 138Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 7Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/11/12 B. GoldenBegin to review Schepps' motion for leave to modify district court recordconcerning Receivership order and order denying motion to stay Receivership(.3); analyze strategy for responding to same motion (.2); continue to preparedetailed outline and initial draft of response to Cochell's motion to appear asattorney in underlying case (1.0).1.5006/11/12 J. BlakleyCorrespondence with J. Eckels, J. Cox, and D. Nelson regarding receivershipinvoices (.1); correspondence and phone call with D. Nelson regarding domainname sales (.4); correspondence with R. Puri regarding global settlement paymentre-directed to Receivership account (.1); phone call with Comerica bankregarding receivership accounts (.3); draft receivership financial picture throughJune 30, 2012 (3.7); draft response to Stephen Cochell's motion for appointmentas Baron's counsel in underlying case (1.2).5.8006/12/12 B. GoldenContinue to analyze strategy for responding to Schepps' motion for leave to filemotion requesting supplementation/modification of trial court record relating toReceivership Order and Order denying motion to stay Receivership (.5); continueto analyze strategy for responding to Cochell's motion to appear as Baron's newcounsel in underlying case (.2); communicate with counsel for Trustee regardingcall to discuss same motions and additional motions relating to resolution ofReceivership (.1); review Fifth Circuit Order denying Schepps' motion forreconsideration on 6/1/12 directive relating to briefing schedule (.1).0.9006/12/12 J. BlakleyReceive and review Schepps' motion for "correction of the record to reflect thatsecret ex parte proceedings to install Vogel as received over Baron" (.3); receiveand review Fifth Circuit order denying Schepps and Baron's motions opposingbriefing schedule and to stay district court "from entering further ordersdisbursing the receivership res" (.2); receive and review D. Nelson invoices (.3);draft receivership financial picture through June 30, 2012 (.5); draft response toStephen Cochell's motion for appointment as Baron's counsel in underlying case(.7).2.0006/13/12 M. NewmanReview of correspondence from counsel for potential purchaser of domain nameregarding status of acquisition (.1); prepare e-mail correspondence responding tosame (.1).0.2006/13/12 B. GoldenPrepare initial draft of motion to clarify instruction to Receiver on payments toFormer Baron Attorneys (1.4); review various court pleadings and orders forpurposes of incorporating into same (.5); draft and revise response in oppositionto appearance of Stephen Cochell as counsel for Baron (.5); conduct investigationregarding sanction against Mr. Cochell issued by Southern District of Texas, forpurposes of incorporating into same response (.2); continue analyzing strategy forresponse to Schepps' motion to supplement district court record (.2); participatein telephone conference with counsel for Trustee regarding same, as well asadditional strategies for resolving Receivership and Trusteeship and satisfyingliabilities (.4); analyze Receivership finances and determine whether and whencash does or will exist in order to pay Former Baron Attorneys per Court order(.2); review draft of June 30 financial picture (.2); review and sendcorrespondence from Gerrit Pronske regarding his Former Attorney Claim (.1).3.70Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 7 of 18 PageID 60219USCA5 139Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 8Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/13/12 J. BlakleyDraft and circulate receivership financial picture through June 30, 2012 (1.6);calendar upcoming payment deadlines pursuant to global settlement agreement(.4); calendar briefing dates as ordered by Fifth Circuit (.2); draft response toStephen Cochell's motion for appointment as Baron's counsel in underlying case(2.6); draft memorandum to B. Golden regarding upcoming receivershipliabilities, including payments to Baron Former Attorneys (.6); revise draftmotion to seek clarification regarding payment to Former Baron Attorneys (.4).5.8006/14/12 B. GoldenReview Netsphere's response to Court's advisory relating to severance and stay ofunderlying case (.1); prepare and file reply to same Netsphere response (.2);continue drafting and revising response to Cochell's request to appear as counselfor Baron in underlying case (1.4); continue and drafting motion to clarify withrespect to payment of Former Attorney Claims (.9); prepare and revise ordergranting same motion to clarify (.2); coordinate efforts to seek conference onsame motion (.1); communicate with counsel for Trustee regarding same motion(.3).3.2006/14/12 J. BlakleyDraft and file motion to clarify instruction to Receiver on payments to FormerBaron Attorneys (.4); draft and send conference email regarding same (.2); draftand submit proposed order granting same (.4); receive and review Netsphere'sresponse to Court advisory regarding First Amended Complaint (.4); draft and filereceiver's notice regarding Netsphere's response to Court advisory regarding FirstAmended Complaint (.5); draft and file response to Cochell's motion to appear asBaron's counsel (2.2); draft letters to Pinnacle and Unitedhealthcare with paymentfor Baron's health insurance through September 2012 (.5); review Trustee's 31stfee statement (.3).4.9006/15/12 M. NewmanReview of engagement letter with proposed valuation firm (.7).0.7006/15/12 B. GoldenAnalyze strategy for responding to Schepps' motion to supplement district-courtrecord (.1); receive and Review Schepps' amended notice of appeal (.1); receiveand review Schepps' notice of materials served on him concerning domain namesales (.2); receive and review Schepps' transcript request (.1); review Netspherenotice of correction filing (.1); analyze strategy for finalizing and filing MayReceivership Report (.1); analyze strategy for upcoming June 27 hearing onCochell's motion to appear as counsel for Baron (.2); analyze strategy forfinalizing financial picture through June 30, 2012 (.1); prepare and circulateupdated chart of Receivership projects (.4).1.4006/15/12 J. BlakleyReceive and review Schepps' amended notice of appeal filed in district court (.2);receive and review Schepps' "notice of materials served on appellate counsel"(.3); receive and review Schepps' transcript request related to appeal (.1).0.7006/18/12 M. NewmanReview and revise engagement agreement related to portfolio sale (.5); prepare e-mail correspondence to opposing counsel outlining requested changes(.2).0.70Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 8 of 18 PageID 60220USCA5 140Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 9Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/18/12 B. GoldenReview District Court orders relating to pending bankruptcy issues concerningappeals (.2); analyze issue regarding potential receipt of funds from formercounsel for Blue Horizons (.1); analyze strategy for hearing on motion to permitCochell to appear as Baron counsel (.2); analyze strategy for response to Scheppsmotion to supplement record (.1); analyze strategy for paying Receivershipliabilities (.1); analyze strategy for responding to Schepps request for funds forappellate filings (.1).0.7006/18/12 P. LohReview and analyze pending tasks requiring completion including receivershipreport, financial picture, and insurance payments (.6); correspond with GarySchepps concerning reimbursement of filing fees for appeals (.4); correspond withDan Altman, former attorney for Blue Horizons, concerning refund of filing feefrom previous litigation (.2).1.2006/18/12 J. BlakleyDraft motion to liquidate LLCs' domain name portfolio (1.7); correspondencewith J. Eckels regarding invoice for receivership work (.1); receive and reviewBaron's notice of order (.2).2.0006/19/12 M. NewmanReview of proposed agreement with valuation firm (.2).0.2006/19/12 B. GoldenReview Court orders on various motions and analyze strategy for responding toquestions from Former Baron Attorneys (.1).0.1006/19/12 P. LohReview and analyze Gary Schepps' request for reimbursement of appellate filingfees (.4); review and analyze record of court orders on same (.3); correspond withFormer Baron Attorneys concerning court's order denying payments pending FifthCircuit appeal (.5); draft motion seeking clarification of whether the Receivershould reimburse Mr. Schepps for appellate filing fees (.4); review and analyzeoptions for retention of appraisal service to appraise domain name portfolio forpossible sale (.3).1.9006/19/12 J. BlakleyReceive and review Court's order on payment to Former Baron Attorneys (.4);receive and review Court's order regarding winding up of Receivership, attorneyconference regarding same (.5); draft email to G. Schepps regarding request forfunds to pay appeal filing costs (.3); draft and send letters to insurance companieswith payment for Baron's insurance through September 30, 2012 (.9); per Courtorder, draft and send letter to Former Baron Attorneys regarding Court's order onpayment to Former Baron Attorneys (.9); draft and file notice of the same withCourt (.5); revise and supplement June 2012 financial picture (1.5).5.0006/20/12 P. LohCorrespond with counsel representing entities with potential UDRP claims againstLLC domain names and arrange for deactivation of same (.2); correspond withDamon Nelson concerning hearing set for June 27, 2012 (.2); prepare for samehearing (.4); review and analyze pending tasks requiring completion in order toterminate receivership (.4); draft Receivership Financial Picture as of June 30,2012 (.3).1.5006/20/12 J. BlakleyRespond to inquiry from Fomer Baron Attorney (.2); draft motion to clarifyReceiver's obligations to pay appellate filing fees of Baron (1.0); receive andreview Fifth Circuit's order denying Baron's motion to stay bankruptcy court orderto sell (.1); draft May Receiver Report (1.7).3.10Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 9 of 18 PageID 60221USCA5 141Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 10Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/21/12 M. NewmanNegotiations with opposing counsel related to engagement letter (.5).0.5006/21/12 B. GoldenReceive and review Cochell's reply in support of motion to appear as counsel forBaron in underlying case (.7); analyze strategy for preparing and organizingfactual and legal arguments to present to the Court relating to same reply brief atupcoming hearing (1.3); analyze strategy for finalizing and filing MayReceivership report (.1); analyze strategy for updating UDRP chart to be filedafter May Receivership Report (.1); analyze strategy for finalizing and filing finalmotion to sell domain names (.4); analyze strategy for collecting and filingseparate appraisals relating to same motion (.2); analyze strategy for preparingReceiver's Report Regarding Whether the Receivership Can be Closed Within 90Days (.4); analyze strategy for finalizing and filing Financial Picture (.3);coordinate efforts to pay rent and Baron's living expenses, and filing feeapplication for Martin Thomas (.1); analyze status of monies received byNetsphere relating to settlement (.2); analyze strategy for preparing motion forpermission to pay for Baron's appellate filing fees (.2); review Court orderregarding sale of Mondial (.1); prepare and circulate updated chart ofReceivership projects (.4); communicate with Sid Chesnin regarding potentialmotion for reconsideration relating to Former Attorney Claims payment (.2).4.7006/21/12 P. LohStrategize regarding engagement letter with appraisal firm for appraisal of domainname portfolio (.4); review and analyze issues to be discussed at hearing on June27, 2012 and prioritize same (.9); construct financial outlook for Receivershipand what it would take to satisfy Receivership liabilities (.7); draft motion toliquidate domain names (1.9); review and analyze Mr. Baron's personal financialassets post-Receivership (.4); correspond with Former Baron Attorneysconcerning the Court's order that they intervene in Mr. Baron's appeals andarticulate reasons for why the Fifth Circuit should rule in their favor (.5); considerstrategies and options for sale of domain names to satisfy receivership assets (.4);correspond with Gary Schepps concerning reimbursement of filing fees andconsider options for same (.5).5.7006/21/12 J. BlakleyFormulate outline for Court-ordered report on Receiver's plan to close theReceivership in 90 days (1.0); draft Receiver's Report of Work Performed in May2012 (3.6); draft and file the Receiver's Receiver fee application (.4); draft andsubmit proposed order granting same (.3); draft and file the Receiver's Garderefee application (.4); draft and submit proposed order granting same (.3); draft andfile the Receiver's Damon Nelson fee application (.4); draft and submit proposedorder granting same (.3); draft and file the Receiver's James Eckels feeapplication (.4); draft and submit proposed order granting same (.3); draft and filethe Receiver's Josh Cox fee application (.4); draft and submit proposed ordergranting same (.3); correspondence with J. Cox regarding UDRP claims (.1);receive and review Cochell's reply in support of his motion to be appointedBaron's counsel (.4).8.70Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 10 of 18 PageID 60222USCA5 142Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 11Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/22/12 B. GoldenContinue analyzing strategy for preparing arguments relating to Cochell's motionto appear as counsel for Baron in underlying litigation, for purposes of upcominghearing (.4); continue analyzing strategy for preparing arguments relating toNetsphere's request to lift stay and not sever underlying case, for purposes ofupcoming hearing (.3); analyze strategy for finalizing and filing motion to selladditional domain names and preparing arguments for presenting relating issuesto Court at upcoming hearing (.3); analyze strategy for preparing response toCourt's request for information on whether Receivership may be closed within 90days and preparing arguments for presenting relating issues to Court at upcominghearing (.5).1.5006/22/12 P. LohConstruct timelines for use at June 27 hearing on appearance of Stephen Cochellin Stanford litigation in Houston, Schepps' activity as trial counsel, and relatedissues (1.7); draft motion to liquidate domain name portfolio to satisfyReceivership liabilities (1.8); review and analyze reply in support of motion toappear filed by Stephen Cochell (.6); correspond with counsel for entities withpotential UDRP actions against the Receiver (.5); correspond with the Receiverconcerning Damon Nelson recommendations to deactivate domain names in orderto prevent UDRP actions against the same (.4); review and analyze strategy forliquidation of domain names in order to satisfy liabilities (.3); draft feeapplications for Gardere and Receivership Professionals (.3); conduct strategyconcerning execution of engagement agreement with portfolio appraisal servicefor the purpose of liquidating domain names to satisfy Receivership liabilities(.4).6.0006/24/12 B. GoldenContinue to analyze strategy for finalizing and filing motion to sell additionaldomain names and preparing arguments for presenting relating issues to Court atupcoming hearing (.2); continue to analyze strategy for preparing response toCourt's request for information on whether Receivership may be closed within 90days and preparing arguments for presenting relating issues to Court at upcominghearing (.1); continue analyzing strategy for preparing arguments relating toCochell's motion to appear as counsel for Baron in underlying litigation, forpurposes of upcoming hearing (.1); continue analyzing strategy for preparingarguments relating to Netsphere's request to lift stay and not sever underlyingcase, for purposes of upcoming hearing (.1).0.5006/25/12 M. NewmanContinued negotiations with opposing counsel related to engagement letter andwarranty issues (.7).0.7006/25/12 B. GoldenDraft and revise motion to sell domain names in bulk (1.4); analyze strategyrelating to same (.2); draft and revise motion for order relating to insurancecoverage (1.7); analyze strategy relating to same (.4); prepare detailed outline ofresponse to Court's request for report stating what must be accomplished in orderto meet the Court's 90-day goal (1.2); analyze strategy relating to same (.3);analyze strategy for preparing timelines/chronologies to be used at upcoming June27 hearing (.2); receive and review Trustee's opposition to Cochell's appearanceas counsel for Baron in underlying litigation (.2).5.60Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1035-1 Filed 07/31/12 Page 11 of 18 PageID 60223USCA5 143Peter S. Vogel, ReceiverClient No. 136589 Page 12Invoice No. 1079710 July 24, 2012Date Attorney/Description Hours06/25/12 P. LohDraft Sixth Sealed Motion to Sell Domain Names (2.1); draft declaration ofDamon Nelson in support of same motion (.6); correspond with counsel of recordconcerning their respective positions on motion (.3); draft Motion to ReinstateInsurance Coverage for Mr. Baron (1.1); re