The quotes below were made by Royal Furgeson and his receiver:
“You realize that order is an order of the Court. So any failure to comply with that order is contempt, punishable by lots of dollars, punishable by possible jail, death. “
-Judge Royal Furgeson.
“Apparently, there is a lot of money to be had here.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson
“First, you are expressly prohibited from retaining any legal counsel. Should you retain any legal counsel, the Receiver may move the Court to find you in contempt of the Receiver Order.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson’s Receiver
“I have the force of the Navy, Army, Marines and Navy behind me. “
-Judge Royal Furgeson
“I’m telling you don’t screw with me. You are a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool to screw with a federal judge, and if you don’t understand that, I can make you understand it.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson
“Say you win and there is no receiver . It doesn’t make any difference . This is going on and on and on until Mr. Baron has nothing. I mean actually everythng is depleted. I gather that Mr . Baron is worth lots of money . Buf it may be that we sell all the domain names . We may sell al of his stock . We may cash in all CD’s, and we may seize all his bank accounts.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson
“Whether it’s a receiver, judgment or whatever, he’s going to be accountable unless he wants to live on a desert island somewhere and escape the clutches of the U.S. Army and the Navy and the Marines and the Air Force and the U.S. Marshals.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson
“But you know, this kind of litigation is eventually going to bring Mr. Baron to a penurious condition. No way around it. Somewhere, sometime it’s going to bring him to that condition.”
-Judge Royal Furgeson