Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 1Stephen R. CochellThe Cochell Law Firm, P.C.Texas Bar No. 240442557026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259Houston, Texas 77096(713) 980-8796 (phone)(713) 980-1179 (facsimile)srcochell@cochellfirm.comATTORNEY FOR JEFFREY BARONIN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re: §§ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY §§§ CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11§ Chapter 11Debtor. §MOTION TO WITHDRAW AS COUNSEL ANDFOR CONTINUANCE OF HEARINGS ON FEESStephen R. Cochell, hereby moves to withdraw as counsel for Jeffrey Baron and forcontinuance of hearings on fees, and in support, states:1. On November 24, 2010 the Chapter 11 trustee proceeded in a secret, exparte hearing to obtain an ex parte order that seized all of Mr. Baron'sassets including future income and wages, for the express purpose ofpreventing Mr. Baron from being able to hire paid counsel to representhim in these, and all other court proceedings.2. The Fifth Circuit has heard argument on the matter and is preparing aruling as to the propriety, legality and constitutionality of the seizure ordersecured by the chapter 11 trustee.Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 1015 Filed 12/12/12 Entered 12/12/12 00:06:23 DescMain Document Page 1 of 7Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 23. The Fifth Circuit has advised this Honorable Court and the District Courtthat no significant distribution of any receivership asset should be madeprior to the ruling of the Fifth Circuit and that no sale of any assets subjectto the receivership shall be made prior to the decision of the Fifth Circuitas to the appeals (and mandamus) now pending before it.4. So long as Mr. Baron is prohibited from earning income and hiringcounsel of his choice to represent him, he is wholly dependent upon therulings of the District Court as to the extent of his representation beforethis Court.5. The undersigned sought, and was granted, an appointment to representMr. Baron for a very limited purpose-- "TO OPPOSE CREATION OF[THE] LIQUIDATING TRUST". [Dist. Dkts. 1056 ¶ 2, 1066 ¶ 1].6. The undersigned later sought, but was not granted, an appointment torepresent Mr. Baron for the purpose of objecting to fee applications madeby the chapter 11 trustee and his receiver. [Dist. Dkt. 1087].7. On September 28, 2012, counsel entered an appearance for Mr. Baron inthis proceeding for the limited purpose of representing Mr. Baron on theChapter 11 Liquidating Trust Plan. An Expedited Discovery SchedulingOrder was entered by the Court. [Dkt. 858]. That discovery has beencomplete.8. Counsel filed objections to the Chapter 11 Plan and filed several motionsseeking continuance and discovery based on failure to produce court-ordered documents, investigated issues relating to the Receiver’sCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 1015 Filed 12/12/12 Entered 12/12/12 00:06:23 DescMain Document Page 2 of 7Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 3exclusion of bidders to the auction, and filed Objections to the BankruptcyCourt’s Order Confirming Chapter 11 Plan. All of Mr. Baron’s motionshave been denied and the plan has been approved by this Court. Counselcompleted his limited representation in this Court pursuant to hisappointment.GOOD CAUSE EXISTS FOR WITHDRAWAL AS COUNSEL9. It is clear that where, as here, counsel was appointed for a specific purposeand that purpose has been accomplished, withdrawal should be allowed.Counsel was not appointed to represent Mr. Baron on fee issues, andwould have submitted a dramatically different budget and request forretainer if advised that he could not enter an appearance in the bankruptcycourt. [Dist. Dkt. 1087]. Unlike the large law firms representing theReceiver and the Trustee, counsel is a solo practitioner who cannotadvance attorney’s fees and expert fees in this case.10. Without prior funding and authority, Counsel cannot hire the necessaryco-counsel and experts required to represent Mr. Baron with respect toopposing prospective fee applications that have no bearing on approval ofthe liquidating trust, which has, at this point already been approved by thisCourt.11. Counsel for Baron requests the Court grant a continuance for Mr. Baron toseek appointment of counsel by the District Court to represent him onmatters concerning approval of the attorney’s fees. Because the FifthCircuit has stayed this Court’s sale of the assets of the Receivership as aCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 1015 Filed 12/12/12 Entered 12/12/12 00:06:23 DescMain Document Page 3 of 7Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 4basis for resolving this bankruptcy, these proceedings are subject to theruling of the Fifth Circuit as to the receivership obtained by the Chapter 11trustee.12. Further, a ruling by the Fifth Circuit that the Chapter 11’s obtainingseizure of Mr. Baron’s assets in order to prevent him from hiring legalcounsel was unlawful, unconstitutional, or otherwise improper under thelaw will have a substantial impact on this Court’s consideration of theTrustee’s fee requests, especially with respect to massive efforts to imposethe receivership and defend the receivership on appeal. Clearly, thisCourt would not reward the Trustee’s counsel for a massive fee generationexercise in an effort to impose an unconstitutional, unlawful, or otherwiseimproper seizure of assets in order to prevent a litigant from freely hiringlegal counsel to oppose the trustee’s fee applications. Accordingly,hearing on further matters in this case, specifically including further feeapplications, should be held until after the Fifth Circuit enters its ruling onthe pending appeals.CONCLUSIONWHEREFORE, Stephen R. Cochell moves to withdraw as counsel for Jeffrey Baron.Mr. Baron requests that Mr. Baron be allowed a continuance to allow Judge Furgeson to appointcounsel to represent Mr. Baron with respect to opposing the attorney’s fee applications.Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 1015 Filed 12/12/12 Entered 12/12/12 00:06:23 DescMain Document Page 4 of 7Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 5Very respectfully,/s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellThe Cochell Law Firm, P.C.Texas Bar No. 240442557026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259Houston, Texas 77096(713)980-8796 (phone)(713)980-1179 (facsimile)srcochell@cochellfirm.comCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that, on December 11, 2012, a copy of this Motion was served on allcounsel through the Court’s ECF system./s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellCERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCEThis is to certify that, on December 10, 2012, counsel conferred with counsel for theTrustee by email regarding his questions about the motion, but did not receive a response.Counsel called Mr. Hunt and left a message with him and with his secretary indicating thatcounsel would file the motion if he did not receive a response. Counsel further conferred withLisa Lambert, Assistant United States Trustee, who requested counsel defer filing the motion toallow her the opportunity to confer with counsel for the Trustee and Receiver. On December 11,2012, at about 5:00 p.m., counsel conferred with the Trustee, the Receiver and Ms. Lambert in anattempt to obtain a voluntary continuance of the matter pending this Court’s review of thewithdrawal issue, but the Trustee opposed continuance of the fee motion./s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 1015 Filed 12/12/12 Entered 12/12/12 00:06:23 DescMain Document Page 5 of 7Motion to Withdraw as Counsel andfor Continuance Page 6CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCEThis is to certify that counsel has complied with the Court’s directive that motions besupported by evidence. Based on the order, counsel does not believe that an affidavit of Mr.Baron is required, as the issues set out above are legal in nature, factual averments are not withinhis personal knowledge, and