-2-IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., §MANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and §MUNISH KRISHAN, §Plaintiffs. §§ Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-Fv. §§ Motion for Expedited ReliefJEFFREY BARON, and §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §Defendants. §MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE: EXPEDITED MOTION TO RESETAPRIL 25 HEARING DATETO THE HONORABLE JUDGE ROYAL FURGESON:COMES NOW JEFF BARON, and moves this Court to grant leave to file thefollowing expedited motion to reset the hearing currently set for April 25, 2011 becausethat date falls on the 21stday of Nisan, a religious day of observance for theundersigned counsel.The undersigned counsel observes the religious holiday of Passover according tothe lunar calendar. This year, the 15 and 16thof Nisan (Nisan is the first month of theHebrew calendar, representing God’s freeing the Hebrew nation from slavery in Egypt)fall on the 19thand 20thof April. Those are the first two observed days of Passover.The 21stand 22ndof Nisan fall this year on the 25thand 26thdays of April. Those are thesecond two observed days of Passover. As a matter of religious faith and observance,the undersigned is prohibited from working on those dates.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 454 Filed 04/18/11 Page 1 of 3 PageID 17285-3-The undersigned has attempted to have another attorney fill in during thereligious holiday. Primarily because they were concerned that they would be ordered tobe counsel for all purposes without pay, as this Court has done to the undersigned, noattorney was willing to assist in appearing on this matter– as appears to be an intendedor unintended purpose of the prior orders of the Court, to prevent Mr. Baron from beingrepresented by experienced federal trial counsel.The receiver has refused to agree to resetting the hearing date for their motion.This is the first time in all of the undersigned’s years of practice that a movant has everfailed to extend the courtesy of making an agreed motion to reset a hearing falling onthe Passover holiday, and has forced the undersigned to file a formal motion seekingsuch relief.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsTexas State Bar No. 007916085400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200Dallas, Texas 75240(214) 210-5940 - Telephone(214) 347-4031 - FacsimileE-mail: legal@schepps.netCOURT ORDERED TRIALCOUNSEL FOR JEFF BARONCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 454 Filed 04/18/11 Page 2 of 3 PageID 17286-4-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this brief was served this day on all parties who receivenotification through the Court’s electronic filing system.CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCEThis is to certify that I contacted counsel for the receiver, and was unable to obtaintheir agreement to this motion.CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsVERIFICATIONDATED: April 18, 2011.I declare under penalty of perjury that the cause for continuance stated in this motionis true and correct./s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 454 Filed 04/18/11 Page 3 of 3 PageID 17287![]()