MOTION TO WITHDRAW – PAGE 1 OF 3Alan L. BuschChristopher M. AlbertBusch, Ruotolo & Simpson, LLP100 Crescent Court, Suite 250Dallas, Texas 75201Telephone: (214) 855-2880Facsimile: (214) 855-2871E-mail: busch@buschllp.comE-mail: albert@buschllp.comAttorneys for Jeffrey Baron, Alleged DebtorUNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTNORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIN RE:§§JEFFREY BARON,§Bankr. No. 12-37921-SGJ§Alleged Debtor.§MOTION TO WITHDRAWCOME NOW Busch, Ruotolo & Simpson, LLP, Alan L. Busch, and Christopher M.Albert (collectively "Counsel"), counsel of record for Jeffrey Baron, the Alleged Debtor in theabove-styled case, who file this their Motion to Withdraw as counsel of record, and in supportthereof, would show unto this Court s follows:1. Counsel agreed to serve as counsel to the Alleged Debtor in his involuntarybankruptcy case on January 24, 2013. Counsel was officially retained to serve as counsel forthe Alleged Debtor when, on January 28, 2013, the Alleged Debtor signed the clientagreement between himself and counsel, a true and correct copy of which is attached heretoas Exhibit “A”.2. The client agreement identifies and limits the scope of Counsel’s engagement,and provides that Counsel would defend the Alleged Debtor in the involuntary proceedingabove. It expressly provides that Counsel’s responsibility to represent the Alleged Debtor isCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 243 Filed 06/28/13 Entered 06/28/13 09:28:14 Page 1 of 3MOTION TO WITHDRAW – PAGE 2 OF 3limited to that which is identified in the agreement, that Counsel is not required to representthe Debtor in any bankruptcy proceeding following or resulting from the involuntary case,and that in the absence of a separate agreement to do so, Counsel is not required to undertakeany representation of the debtor in bankruptcy beyond that of the involuntary. The clientagreement also states:Legal Representation by Busch Ruotolo & Simpson, LLP of Jeffrey Baronto defend the Client against an involuntary bankruptcy petition in therelated adversary proceeding styled In re Jeffrey Baron, now pending beforethe United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Texas,Dallas Division, Case No. 12-37921-SGJ, but not representation of theDebtor in the event an order for relief is entered under 11 U.S.C. Section362.3. On June 26, 2013, this Court entered its Findings and Conclusions concerningthe trial of the involuntary bankruptcy case, and entered an Order for Relief [see Docket Nos.239 and 240], thus ending and terminating Counsel’s agreed engagement.4. Inasmuch as the engagement between Counsel and the Alleged Debtor hasended by its terms, and inasmuch as Counsel did not agree to represent Mr. Baron inbankruptcy (nor did he agree for Counsel to serve in that capacity), withdrawal is probablyunnecessary. Nonetheless, in an abundance of propriety and clarity, Counsel seeks officialleave to withdraw as counsel for Mr. Baron this cause for the reasons stated.WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Counsel of record for Jeffrey Baron,respectfully pray that on final hearing hereof, this Court enter an order granting Counsel leave towithdraw as counsel of record in this cause, and granting such other and further relief to whichCounsel may be justly entitled.Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 243 Filed 06/28/13 Entered 06/28/13 09:28:14 Page 2 of 3MOTION TO WITHDRAW – PAGE 3 OF 3Respectfully submitted,Busch, Ruotolo & Simpson, L.L.P.By: /s/ Alan L. BuschAlan L. BuschState Bar No. 19408830Christopher M. AlbertState Bar No. 24008550CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI hereby certify that on June 28, 2013, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document wassent by email to Jeffrey Baron; Lisa Lambert, Counsel for the United States Trustee; GerritPronske, Counsel for the Petitioning Creditors, and upon all persons requesting notices via theECF system./s/ Alan L. BuschAlan L. BuschCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 243 Filed 06/28/13 Entered 06/28/13 09:28:14 Page 3 of 3![]()