1IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., §MANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., §AND MUNISH KRISHAN §§PLAINTIFFS, §§V. § CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:09-CV-0988-F§JEFFREY BARON AND §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §§DEFENDANTS. §REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT AS COUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARON FORREPRESENTATION ON ISSUES REGARDING APPLICATIONS BY THE TRUSTEEAND RECEIVER FOR ATTORNEYS FEES AND REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OFTIME TO RESPOND TO FEE APPLICATIONSJeffrey Baron, by and through counsel, requests the Court authorize Stephen R. Cochell,to represent him on recently filed applications by the Receiver and the Trustee for attorneys fees,and in support thereof, states:1. The Court authorized Mr. Cochell to represent him in the bankruptcy and district court onissues relating to approving the Receiver entering into the Plan settlement and approving auctionprocedures and approving the Stalking Horse Bid. [Doc. 815]2. The representation and arrangement to compensate Mr. Cochell, however, was limited tothese matters and did not extend to issues involving the review and evaluation of the Receiverand Trustee’s attorney’s fees.3. The Trustee recently filed a fee application seeking $653,563 [Doc.1075] and theReceiver filed a fee application seeking $155,356 [Doc. 1068], amounting to $808,919.4. Thus, Mr. Baron is unrepresented on claims amounting to $808,919.Case 3:12-cv-04489-L Document 2 Filed 11/07/12 Page 1 of 4 PageID 10825. Cochell a retainer of $45,000 and expert fees of $50,000 to represent Mr. Baron inevaluating and potentially opposing fee applications recently filed with the Court. An expertwould have to be retained to conduct analysis of the fees, and to opine on the reasonableness ofthe fees. Counsel would also be required to evaluate the reasonableness of the fees and workwith the expert to determine and present objections for thousands of time entries. Unfortunately,this process is not inexpensive, but is necessary in a case where the fees have outstripped theassets of the bankruptcy estate. Duplication of work, excessive billing and unnecessary billingare likely in the instant case.6. The representation would extend to potential objections to all fees to be approved by thisCourt and the Bankruptcy Court.7. Mr. Baron also requests the Court for an extension of time to respond to the pending feeapplications. Due to the expedited discovery schedule, Mr. Baron did not focus on the need forrepresentation or request counsel to file this application until this evening.WHEREFORE, Jeffrey Baron requests the Court authorize and direct the Receiver to payMr. Cochell a retainer of $45,000 for fees and $50,000 for expert and related computer supportto evaluate and file objections to fee applications pending before the Court and final approval ofall fees paid by the Bankruptcy and District Court.Very respectfully,/s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellThe Cochell Law Firm, P.C.Texas Bar No. 240442557026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259Houston, Texas 77096(713)980-8796 (phone)(713)980-1179 (facsimile)srcochell@cochellfirm.comCase 3:12-cv-04489-L Document 2 Filed 11/07/12 Page 2 of 4 PageID 1093Case 3:12-cv-04489-L Document 2 Filed 11/07/12 Page 3 of 4 PageID 1104CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCECounsel did not have an opportunity to confer with counsel for the Trustee or theReceiver prior to filing this motion as he was not asked to represent Mr. Baron until this evening.Due to the deadline for filing a response to the fee applications, conference with opposingcounsel was not feasible.CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that, on November 7, 2012, a copy of the above was served on allcounsel of record through the Court’s ECF filing system./s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellCase 3:12-cv-04489-L Document 2 Filed 11/07/12 Page 4 of 4 PageID 111![]()