RESPONSETO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY TO PROCEED IN UNDERLYINGLITIGATION – PAGE 1Gerrit M. PronskeState Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonState Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 658-6500 – Telephone(214) 658-6509 – TelecopierEmail: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONIN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re: §§ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, § CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11§Debtor. § Chapter 11RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATICSTAY TO PROCEED IN UNDERLYING LITIGATIONTO THE HONORABLE STACEY G. C. JERNIGAN,UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE:Jeffrey Baron (“Baron”), a creditor in this case, hereby files this his Response to Motionfor Relief from Automatic Stay to Proceed in Underlying Litigation (“Response”) filed on October12, 2009 by Manila Industries, Inc. and Netsphere, Inc. (collectively, the “Netsphere Parties”) andin support thereof, respectfully represent as follows:I. RESPONSEParagraphs 1 through 17 of this Response reply to the paragraphs of the Motion for Relieffrom Automatic Stay to Proceed in Underlying Litigation ("Stay Motion") bearing the sameCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 136 Filed 10/27/09 Entered 10/27/09 17:45:21 Page 1 of 4RESPONSETO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY TO PROCEED IN UNDERLYINGLITIGATION – PAGE 2number.1. Baron admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 1 of the Stay Motion.2. Baron denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 2 of the Stay Motion. Baronfurther denies that the settlement agreement referenced in Paragraph 2 is enforceable.3. Baron denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 of the Stay Motion.4. Baron denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 of the Stay Motion, exceptfor the existence of contentious litigation. The Netsphere Parties failed to carry out the terms ofthe Settlement Agreement.5. Baron denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 5 of the Stay Motion.6. Baron denies the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of the Stay Motion.7. Baron admits that the Debtor filed its voluntary petition under Chapter 11 of theBankruptcy Code in the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division on or about July 27, 2009.8. Baron denies the allegations contained in the first sentence of Paragraph 8 of theStay Motion. Baron admits the allegation that the Netsphere Parties have filed an objection to amotion filed by the Debtor. Baron admits that Debtor’s bankruptcy counsel filed an emergencymotion to continue the hearing. Baron denies the allegations contained within the remainder ofParagraph 8 of the Stay Motion.9. Baron admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 9 of the Stay Motion.10. Baron is without sufficient information to admit or deny the content of histestimony as allegedly summarized in Paragraph 10 of the Stay Motion.11. Baron admits the allegations contained in Paragraph 11 of the Stay Motion.12. Baron admits the allegations contained within the first sentence of Paragraph 12of the Stay Motion. Baron is without information to admit or deny the allegations containedCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 136 Filed 10/27/09 Entered 10/27/09 17:45:21 Page 2 of 4RESPONSETO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY TO PROCEED IN UNDERLYINGLITIGATION – PAGE 3within the second and third sentence of Paragraph 12 of the Stay Motion. Baron admits thatJudge Ferguson stated that he may appoint a receiver in the case, but denies the remainder of theallegations contained within the fourth sentence of Paragraph 12 of the Stay Motion.13. Baron admits the allegations contained within the first sentence of Paragraph 13of the Stay Motion. Baron admits that he properly invoked his Fifth Amendment rights at theSeptember 11, 2009 hearing.14. Baron admits that Daniel J. Sherman was appointed as Chapter 11 Trustee, butdenies the remainder of the allegations in Paragraph 14 of the Stay Motion.15. Baron is without sufficient information to admit or deny the allegations containedwithin Paragraph 15 of the Stay Motion.16. Baron denies the allegations contained within Paragraph 16 of the Stay Motion.17. Baron admits the allegations contained within Paragraph 17 of the Stay Motion.II. RELIEF REQUESTED18. The balance of the contentions in the Stay Motion are legal contentions whichBaron need not admit or deny. To the extent the remainder of the Stay Motion contains anyfactual allegations, Baron denies that there is cause to lift the stay to allow the District Courtlitigation to be pursued in its entirety to conclusion.19. Additionally, Baron submits that the automatic stay should be lifted for thepurpose of allowing Mr. Peter Vogel to be paid out of the trust account of Friedman & Feiger,LLP as ordered by Judge Ferguson of the Federal District Court. Baron does not agree that thestay should be lifted to allow payment to be made to Equivalent Data.III. CONCLUSION20. Movant has failed to sufficiently plead or prove “cause” as a basis for lifting theCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 136 Filed 10/27/09 Entered 10/27/09 17:45:21 Page 3 of 4RESPONSETO MOTION FOR RELIEF FROM AUTOMATIC STAY TO PROCEED IN UNDERLYINGLITIGATION – PAGE 4stay under 362(d)(1). Moreover, the Stay Motion fails to show how the Property is not necessaryto the Debtor’s reorganization. Accordingly, it has failed to carry its burden under 362(d)(2) aswell. Therefore, Movant is not entitled to relief from the stay.WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Baron respectfully requests thisCourt deny the Stay Motion and grant Baron such other and further relief whether in law orequity, to which Baron is entitled.Dated: October 27, 2009 Respectfully submittedBy: /s/ Gerrit M. Pronske____Gerrit M. PronskeTexas Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonTexas Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201Telephone: 214.658.6500Facsimile: 214.658.6509Email: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI, the undersigned, hereby certify that on October 27, 2009 I caused to be served theforegoing pleading upon all parties registered to receive electronic notice via the Court’selectronic transmission facilities./s/ _Gerrit M. Pronske______Gerrit M. PronskeCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 136 Filed 10/27/09 Entered 10/27/09 17:45:21 Page 4 of 4![]()