No. 10-11202In theUnited States Court of Appealsfor the Fifth Circuit▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬NETSPHERE, INC. Et Al,Plaintiffsv.JEFFREY BARON,Defendant-Appellantv.ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY,Defendant-Appellee▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Appeal of Order Appointing Receiver in Settled Lawsuit▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cons. w/ No. 11-10113NETSPHERE INC., Et Al, Plaintiffsv.JEFFREY BARON, Et Al, Defendantsv.QUANTEC L.L.C.; NOVO POINT L.L.C.,Appellantsv.PETER S. VOGEL,Appellee▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Appeal of Order Adding Non-Parties Novo Point, LLCand Quantec, LLC as Receivership Parties▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬From the United States District CourtNorthern District of Texas, Dallas DivisionCivil Action No. 3-09CV0988-F▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬RESPONSE AND MOTION FOR RELIEF WITH RESPECT TOVOGEL MOTION TO LIQUIDATE JEFF BARON’S STOCKS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Case: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 1 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-1-TO THE HONORABLE FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS:COMES NOW JEFFREY BARON, Appellant, and subject to thepreliminary Fifth Amendment objection and motion previously filed in this cause,make this response, objection and motion for relief with respect to Vogel’s motionsto liquidate Jeff Baron’s stocks.1Vogel’s motion to liquidate Baron’s IRAs wasdenied by the District Court and has been withdrawn by Vogel, and this responseaddresses Vogel’s motion to liquidate Baron’s stocks.I. ARGUMENT AND AUTHORITYThere Are No In Rem Claims Against Jeff Baron’s PropertyContrary to the underlying basis of Vogel’s motion, there are no in remclaims against Jeff Baron’s property being held in receivership. As a preliminarymatter, an unsecured creditor has, in the absence of statute, no substantive right,legal or equitable, in or to the property of his alleged debtor. This is true, whateverthe nature of the property. The only substantive right of a simple contract creditoris to have his debt paid in due course. His adjective right is, ordinarily, at law. Hehas no right whatsoever in equity until he has exhausted his legal remedy.Accordingly, a court does not have equitable jurisdiction to use receivership toenforce unsecured creditors’ in personam claims (against the owner of the1The three motions involved are (1) 07/05/2011 MOTION filed by Appellee Mr. Peter S. Vogelof The Receiver's Omnibus Motion to Permit Cashing Out of Stocks and IRAs (Pending Beforethe District Court and Filed with the Fifth Circuit Pursuant to District Court Order) [6850979-2];(2) 07/05/2011 MOTION filed by Appellee Mr. Peter S. Vogel Withdrawing the precedingMotion [6850979-2]; and (3) 7-07-11 Motion to permit liquidation of non-exempt stocks-but notthe liquidation of the IRA's.Case: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 2 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-2-receivership property) before those claims have been reduced to judgment. Pusey& Jones Co. v. Hanssen, 261 U.S. 491, 497 (1923); e.g., Williams Holding Co. v.Pennell, 86 F.2d 230 (5th Cir. 1936).Vogel is ignoring a fundamental principle of law— the distinction betweenequitable in rem claims against receivership property and in personam claims atlaw against the owner of the receivership property individually. Receivershipactions are in rem actions over specific property. E.g. Sumrall v. Moody, 620 F.2d548, 550 (5th Cir. 1980). In personam actions to establish liability on claimsagainst individuals do not involve the receivership res. Hawthorne Savings v.Reliance Ins. Co., 421 F.3d 835, 855 (9th Cir. 2005) (noting the fundamentaldistinction between “the liquidation of a claim and the enforcement of the claimafter it has been reduced to judgment”). After an in personam action has beenliquidated and reduced to judgment, an attempt to execute the judgment againstproperty is then normally in rem (and, thus, an attempt to execute on a judgmentwould seek an interest in the receivership res). Id. Accordingly, only an attempt tolevy against the res made after a judgment has been obtained in personam is an inrem action that relates to a court's dominion over the receivership res. Id. Vogel isattempting to create an interest in property that does not exist. The ‘claimants’against Baron have not asserted any legally cognizable in rem claims against theres property– rather, the claimants allege that Mr. Baron personally is obligated inpersonam to pay them money for breach of contract. The crucial step ofadjudication of in personam liability against Baron has not occurred. The DistrictCase: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 3 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-3-Court’s order to pay ‘claimants’ against Baron has been appealed and the DistrictCourt has been stayed from further proceedings. Notably, a fundamental step ofadjudicating in personam liability is a constitutionally protected step and, withclaims at law, invokes a citizen's right to trial by jury. E.g., Ross v. Bernhard, 396U.S. 531, 531 (1970). Accordingly, it is premature to seek to liquidate Baron’sstocks. The matter is currently on appeal and there are no in rem claims to thereceivership res, only unliquidated in personam ‘claims’ against Baron. Notably,the District Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction over those non-diverse inpersonam state law claims against Baron personally.Irreparable Injury and CostsVogel’s motion fails to apprise the Court of the irreparable injury and costsinvolved with the liquidation of the stocks. As a primary matter there is asubstantial tax liability which will be incurred with the stock’s sale. Additionally,because the stock market is extremely depressed in value at this time, there is avery real likelihood that should the Court at a later time determine that Baron’sassets should not have been liquidated to pay the alleged ‘claims’ solicited againstBaron by Vogel, it will not be possible to restore ownership of the stocks currentlyheld because their market value will have vastly appreciated.Equitable ConsiderationsAs a matter of equity, the Court should examine, at least on a prima facieCase: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 4 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-4-basis the underlying ‘claims’ for which the stock sale is sought.2These claimshave not been tried before any court, the claims were solicited by Vogel and werepresented to the District Court below in a one-sided ‘report’ that intentionallyexcluded all of the exculpatory evidence. SR. v8 p1242-43; SR. v7 p202.A Better AlternativeJeff Baron had a million dollars in his savings accounts. He voluntarilyturned over his banking information and material to the receiver immediately uponimposition of the receivership. Still, the receiver emptied Baron’s savings accountsin 'fees'. It is not comprehensible how reasonable costs of protecting a handful ofbank accounts and IRAs (that were voluntarily turned over to the receiver) couldreach a million dollars, emptying the bank accounts where were ordered conservedby the receivership order. In any case, the only remaining assets of Jeff Baron inreceivership are his exempt IRAs3and the stocks receiver now seeks to liquidate.If the receivership as to Jeff Baron’s property is now dissolved or stayedpending appeal, Baron can borrow and pay into the receivership cash in the amountof the liquidation value of the stocks. There is no reason to keep Baron in2A compelling prima facie case is established in the record that the ‘claims’ solicited by Vogelagainst Baron are absolutely groundless. SR. v8 p 1197-1201, 1212- 1243. For example, Doc522 should be examined. SR. v6 p64. The issues presented in that filing are issues of law basedupon the “claimant’s” own evidence and statements and establish that the ‘claim’ is clearlygroundless, even frivolous. The District Court’s response to being presented with the clearargument establishing the groundless of the claim was to seal the revelation as if it were somestate secret. SR. v6 p64 (sealing Doc 522).3Pursuant to Texas Law, the Roth IRA accounts are exempt from execution. Tex.Prop.Code§42.0021; E.g., In re Youngblood, 29 F.3d 225 (5th Cir. 1994). The IRAs were not propertysubject to seizure by the receiver as it is a longstanding principle of law that a receiver may takeinto his possession only “property which may be taken in execution”. Booth v. Clark, 58 U.S.322, 331 (1855).Case: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 5 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-5-receivership— his savings accounts have been fully emptied by the receiver.Allowing Baron to provide a bond in order to be released from the receivershipworks no hardship to any party, eliminates the necessity to liquidate the stocks(should such a necessity exist), and prevents further irreparable injury. Such aremedy also eliminates the continuing costs of receivership as to Jeff Baron'sproperty. Further, there is no reason Baron should not be allowed to work andengage in business transactions as he is currently prohibited from doing by thereceivership order.II. CONCLUSION & PRAYERThere are no in rem claims asserted against Jeff Baron’s property held inreceivership, and there is accordingly no basis in law to liquidate his stocks.Liquidation of the stocks involves costs including taxes and substantial risk ofirreparable injury. The stocks should not be sold until the appeal of the Districtunderlying issue of the denial of Jeff Baron’s right to paid counsel and jury trial (orany trial) to defend the in personam ‘claims’ asserted against him is resolved.Jointly, and in the alternative, Jeff Baron prays that the receivership as tohim personally be dissolved or stayed pending appeal and that he be allowed topost bond in the amount of the stocks sought to be liquidated in return for releaseof the stocks and his exempt property from the receivership, and the restoration ofhis right to enter business transactions, work, and earn wages.Case: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 6 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-6-Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsTexas State Bar No. 007916085400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200Dallas, Texas 75240(214) 210-5940 - Telephone(214) 347-4031 - FacsimileEmail: legal@schepps.netCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANTCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this motion was served this day on all parties who receivenotification through the Court’s electronic filing system.CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANTCERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCECounsel for the Vogel and Sherman oppose.CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANTCase: 11-10113 Document: 00511598161 Page: 7 Date Filed: 09/09/2011![]()