REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 1IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., § Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-FMANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and §MUNISH KRISHAN, §Plaintiffs. §§v. §§JEFFREY BARON, and §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §Defendants. §REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY[DOC 172]TO THE HONORABLE ROYAL FURGESON, U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE:COMES NOW, Jeffrey Baron, Appellant, and subject to the pending motionto strike such response, respectfully replies to the response to Motion to DisqualifyMr. Urbanik [DOC 172].I. SUMMARYMr. Urbanik’s conduct is unethical because his position as an advocatebefore this Court was used to interfere with the fair, unbiased hearing of evidenceat issue before the Court. The ethical rule prohibits an attorney from doing exactlythat—being both an advocate and a fact witness to establish essential facts onbehalf of his client.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 1 of 6 PageID 4443REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 2II. THE ETHICAL RULE IS MANDATORY, NOT OPTIONALTexas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct are mandatory incharacter because they establish the minimum level of conduct below which nolawyer can fall. Koch Oil Co. v. Anderson Producing, Inc., 883 SW 2d 784, 787(Tex.App. Beaumont–1994).III. THE EVIDENCE TESTIFIED TO BY MR. URBANIK WAS ESSENTIALThe evidence Mr. Urbanik claimed to testify to in his declaration includedessential facts such as that Mr. Baron had taken steps had to transfer 300,000internet domain names, to a foreign entity outside of the jurisdiction of the federalcourts. Although the fact itself is suspect— no attempt was made to change theownership of the names, and the names are serviced ultimately by a US company,Mr. Urbanik never-the-less injected himself as a fact witness as to those facts.Similarly Mr. Urbanik claims personal knowledge that entities located in the CookIslands are controlled by Mr. Baron, etc. These are clearly essential facts, and Mr.Urbanik clearly is offering claims of personal knowledge as to them.IV. THE STATE ETHICS RULEIn his response, Mr. Sherman makes reference to the comments of the stateethics rules, but noticeably omits mention of the relevant comment, Comment 4.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 2 of 6 PageID 4444REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 3Comment 4 to Rule 3.08 (Lawyer as Witness) explains the application of the rulein this circumstance:[T]he principal concern over allowing a lawyer to serve as both an advocateand witness for a client is the possible confusion that those dual roles couldcreate for the finder of fact. Normally those dual roles are unlikely to createexceptional difficulties when the lawyer's testimony is limited to the areas setout in sub-paragraphs (a)(1)-(4) of this Rule. If, however, the lawyer'stestimony concerns a controversial or contested matter, combining theroles of advocate and witness can unfairly prejudice the opposing party. Awitness is required to testify on the basis of personal knowledge, while anadvocate is expected to explain and comment on evidence given by others. Itmay not be clear whether a statement by an advocate-witness should be taken asproof or as an analysis of the proof.Mr. Sherman also neglects to fully cite the content of Comment 10:This Rule may furnish some guidance in those procedural disqualificationdisputes where the party seeking disqualification can demonstrate actualprejudice to itself resulting from the opposing lawyer's service in the dual roles.… [A] lawyer should not seek to disqualify an opposing lawyer byunnecessarily calling that lawyer as a witness. Such unintended applications ofthis Rule, if allowed, would subvert its true purpose by converting it into a meretactical weapon in litigation.Notably, Mr. Baron did not intend to call Mr. Urbanik as a witness. Mr.Urbanik injected himself into the case as a fact witness with personalknowledge and filed a sworn declaration in opposition to Mr. Baron’s motion tostay pending appeal. Mr. Urbanik’s testimony was the only declaration testimonyoffered in opposition to the motion to stay. Accordingly, the attempt to call Mr.Urbanik’s as a witness was not done by Mr. Baron (as some litigation ploy), it wasdone purposely by Mr. Urbanik. Moreover, counsel for Mr. Baron attempted toCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 3 of 6 PageID 4445REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 4give all benefit of the doubt to Mr. Urbanik, and treated him as a party in interestwho had filed on his own behalf, thus avoiding any ethical issue. It was onlywhen Mr. Urbanik insisted and made clear that under no circumstances was he inany way a party to the proceedings, that the ethical issue became acute.As explained in a recent opinion of the Fourteenth District Court of Appealsin Houston (IN RE: GEORGE E. GUIDRY, DWIGHT W. ANDRUS, III ANDDWIGHT W. ANDRUS INSURANCE, INC., No. 14-10-00464-CV):In denying the motion to disqualify, the trial court may have determined thatallowing Jefferson to occupy dual roles as trial lawyer and fact witness wouldnot cause the Brokers actual prejudice. To the extent that the trial court madethis determination, we conclude that the court clearly abused its discretion. SeeIn re Bahn, 13 S.W.3d at 874 (concluding that lawyer's dual roles as triallawyer and fact witness would cause actual prejudice to opposing party).V. FEDERAL, NOT STATE APPLICATION OF ETHICAL VIOLATIONThe majority of Mr. Sherman’s offered cases are not relevant to the motionto disqualify because “ [A] District Court is obliged to take measures againstunethical conduct occurring in connection with any proceeding before it. Sandersv. Russell, 5 Cir. 1968, 401 F.2d 241, 246 ”. Woods v. Covington Cty. Bank, 537F.2d 804, 810 (5th Cir. 1976). Motions to disqualify are substantive motionsaffecting the rights of the parties and are determined under federal law. In reDresser Industries, Inc., 972 F.2d 540, 543 (5th Cir. 1992).Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 4 of 6 PageID 4446REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 5The consideration in disqualification is not a state remedy. While stateethics violation is key, the Court must consider the motion governed by the ethicalrules announced by the national profession and in the light of the public interestand the litigants' rights. In Re Dresser, and see Brennan's Inc. v. Brennan'sRestaurants, Inc., 590 F.2d 168, 171 (5th Cir. 1979).VI. OBLIGATION TO THE COURT AND PROCESS, NOT TO CLIENTRule 3.08 protects against two diverse interests— (1) To protect the client beingrepresented by preventing his own attorney from acting against the client’sinterests as a witness and (2) To protect the fairness of the judicial process.In our case, the second interest is invoked.As explained by the Fifth Circuit:“A motion to disqualify counsel is a proper method for a party-litigant tobring the issues of conflict of interest or a breach of ethical duties to the attentionof the court.” Indeed “a District Court is obliged to take measures againstunethical conduct occurring in connection with any proceeding before it.”McCuin v. Texas Power & Light Co., 714 F. 2d 1255, 1264 (5th Cir. 1983)Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 5 of 6 PageID 4447REPLY TO SHERMAN RESPONSE TO MOTION TO DISQUALIFY [DOC 172] - Page 6VII. CONCLUSIONPursuant to Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct 3.08, it isunethical for Mr. Urbanik to be both an advocate before the Court and a fact witnessof facts essential to the relief requested by him as an advocate. Because Mr.Urbanik injected himself as a fact witness as to essential substantive allegationsagainst Mr. Baron, Mr. Urbanik must be disqualified as counsel in this case.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsState Bar No. 00791608Drawer 670804Dallas, Texas 75367(214) 210-5940(214) 347-4031 FacsimileAPPELLATE COUNSEL FORJEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this was served on all parties who receive notificationthrough the Court’s electronic filing system./s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 187 Filed 12/27/10 Page 6 of 6 PageID 4448![]()