Mark StrombergState Bar No. 19408830STROMBERG STOCK, PLLCTwo Lincoln Centre5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300Dallas, Texas 75240Telephone 972/458-5335Facsimile 972/770-2156E-mail: mark@strombergstock.comAttorneys for Jeffrey Baron, Alleged DebtorUNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTNORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIN RE: §§JEFFREY BARON, § Bankr. No. 12-37921-SGJ§Alleged Debtor. §______________________________________________________________________________JEFFREY BARON’S REQUEST FOR LEAVE TO SEEK LIMITED RELIEF FROMORDER CLARIFYING APPLICATION OF STAY TO CERTAIN APPEALSJeffrey Baron (the “Alleged Debtor”), by and through counsel, and pursuant to the Court’sOrder Clarifying Application of Automatic Stay to Certain Appeals [Doc. 81, the “Order”], andBankruptcy Rule 8003, requests leave of this Court to seek limited relief to file an appeal of thisCourt’s Order: Continuing to April 4, 2013 at 2:30 PM the Joint Status Conference an HearingsSet for 3/19/13 at 10:30 AM on various motions filed by the Receiver; Requiring Mandatory,Good Faith, in-Person Global Settlement Conferences Among Parties and Lawyers During NextTwo Weeks; (c) Authorizing Payment of Court Reporter Fees; and (d) Addressing MiscellaneousIssues. A copy of the Order is attached as Exhibit A.In support of his request for relief from the Order Clarifying Application of AutomaticStay to Certain Appeals, Alleged Debtor provides a summary of the following issues:Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 101 Filed 04/01/13 Entered 04/01/13 20:19:07 Desc MainDocument Page 1 of 5I. The Order and Issues on AppealSpecifically, the Alleged Debtor wishes to appeal from that portion of the Order[Dkt. 96] that orders as follows:there shall be no wind-down plan considered by the district Court for theReceivership at this time for two reasons: the automatic stay of the Jeff Baroninvoluntary bankruptcy case; and (b) no mandate has been issued by the FifthCircuit with regard to its ruling invalidating the Receivership (which is not final atthis time). There will be no hearing on a wind-down of the Receivership unlessand until both of the following occur: (a) the automatic stay of the Jeff Baroninvoluntary bankruptcy order is terminated; and (b) a mandate has been issued bythe Fifth Circuit with regard to its ruling invalidating the Receivership. [Dkt. 96 at4].The Alleged Debtor does not seek leave to appeal from any other provisions of the subject Order.This portion of the Order interferes with the jurisdiction of the Fifth Circuit Court ofAppeals over the receivership property and the District Court’s ability to coordinate the activitiesof both the involuntary bankruptcy and the receivership. The order assumes subject matterjurisdiction over a petition for involuntary bankruptcy that has been brought on disputed claims.Mr. Baron understands that the Bankruptcy court has ruled that the claims are bona fideundisputed claims that can be the subject of an involuntary bankruptcy.1The BankruptcyCourt’s conclusion was based on the argument that the Compromise Order entered by theDistrict Court (Dist. Dkt. 575) was a final, binding order. As set out below, the order was notfinal or binding.Finally, the Bankruptcy Court has entered an order abating the bankruptcy proceedinguntil the Fifth Circuit’s mandate, the timing of which is unknown and potentially lengthy. TheDistrict Court has, on at least two occasions, requested that the parties devise a plan to winddown the receivership. Further delay of winding down, or at least discussing a wind down plan1A proposed order has been uploaded for the Court’s consideration as well as an Order DenyingAlleged Creditor Jeffrey Baron’s Motion to Dismiss.Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 101 Filed 04/01/13 Entered 04/01/13 20:19:07 Desc MainDocument Page 2 of 5will materially delay potential settlement of the case, increase the costs of administration for twoestates and delay termination of the receivership. For these reasons, the Alleged Debtorrespectfully requests the Court grant leave to appeal the order. Subject to further order of thiscourt, the Notice of Appeal is filed contemporaneously with this Motion.II. Res Judicata Should be Applied Against Jeff Baron.As set out in pleadings and oral argument on the Creditors’ Motion for Partial SummaryJudgment, the Alleged Debtor maintains that Judge Furgeson’s order in Docket No. 575 was notfinal as the District Court specifically held: (a) that Mr. Baron had a right to litigatecounterclaims against all claimants; (b) entered an order stating that funds to be paid under theCompromise Order could not be paid until the Fifth Circuit ruled on the appeals; and (c) theOrder did not state that it was final. This Court has concluded that the Compromise Order wasfinal and binding on the parties based on the doctrine of res judicata, and precludes any bona fidedispute as to the Petitioning Creditors’ claims.The doctrine of res judicata (claim preclusion) requires the following elements: (1) Theparties are identical or in privity; (2) the judgment in the prior action was rendered by a court ofcompetent jurisdiction; (3) the prior action was concluded to a final judgment on the merits; and(4) the same claim or cause of action was involved in both actions. Swate v. Hartwell, 99 F.3d1282, 1286 (5th Cir.1996). The Fifth Circuit expressly held that the claims were not decided onthe merits, and ruled that the appointment of the Receiver - - pursuant to which authority theCompromises embodied in that order were reached - - was improper. Thus, the Alleged Debtormaintains that res judicata should not be applied to preclude bona fide disputes.III. The Bankruptcy Ruling Conflicts with the Fifth Circuit Decision.Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 101 Filed 04/01/13 Entered 04/01/13 20:19:07 Desc MainDocument Page 3 of 5As a practical matter, the Bankruptcy Court’s ruling is in direct conflict with the FifthCircuit’s decision holding that the claims of the attorney claimants in the receivership were notdetermined by the district court on the merits. This places the Bankruptcy Court in theanomalous position of actually or effectively overruling a decision by the Fifth Circuit byholding that a Compromise Order entered by the District Order somehow supersedes an order ofthe Fifth Circuit. While appeals for the parties are not completed, the reasoning and conclusionsof the Fifth Circuit should not be disregarded. The Fifth Circuit ordered that the District Courtproceed with the wind-down of the receivership. The Alleged Debtor respectfully submits thatthis portion of the Order must, as a matter of law, be reversed.IV. The Fifth Circuit Ordered the District Court to Wind Down the Receivership.The District Court Should Withdraw the Reference and Comply with thatOrder.As a matter of judicial economy, the Receiver and the Alleged Debtor’s motion towithdraw the reference should be decided prior to any further proceedings in the BankruptcyCourt. Local Bankruptcy Rules 5011-1.The Order interferes with the jurisdiction of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals inordering a wind-down of the receivership and also with the District Court's ability to complywith the Fifth Circuit's order to wind down the receivership. The District Court referred thematter to the Bankruptcy Court but previously entered an order that any interference with theDistrict Court’s enforcement of its order would violate its order. Both the Receiver and theAlleged Debtor believe the involuntary constitute a violation of the receivership order and shouldbe the subject of a show cause order.The Receiver filed a motion to withdraw the reference to the bankruptcy, and the AllegedDebtor joined in that motion [DC Docket No. 1187, Dkt. 1199 at 5]. The wind down plans filedCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 101 Filed 04/01/13 Entered 04/01/13 20:19:07 Desc MainDocument Page 4 of 5by the Receiver and the Alleged Debtor seek withdrawal of the reference to the bankruptcy courtto eliminate the duplication of effort leading to the reason for the joint status conference.WHEREFORE, the Alleged Debtor requests an Order Granting Relief from OrderClarifying Application of Stay to Certain Appeals and granting leave to appeal the Order [Dkt.96].Very respectfully,STROMBERG STOCK, PLLC/s/ Mark StrombergMark StrombergTexas Bar No. 19408830CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that, on April 1, 2013, a copy of this document was served on allcounsel through the Court’s ECF system./s/ Mark StrombergMark StrombergCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 101 Filed 04/01/13 Entered 04/01/13 20:19:07 Desc MainDocument Page 5 of 5![]()