CASE NO. 13-10696IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE FIFTH CIRCUITNETSPHERE, INC., et. al.,Appellees,v.JEFFREY BARON, et. al.,Appellants.On Appeal from the United States District Courtfor the Northern District of Texas, Dallas DivisionDistrict Court No. 3:09-cv-0988-LSUGGESTION OF BANKRUPTCY AS TO INVOLUNTARY DEBTOR JEFFREY BARONRespectfully submitted,/s/ Mpatanishi Tayari GarrettMpatanishi Tayari GarrettTX State Bar No. 24073090TAYARI LAW PLLC100 Crescent Court, Suite 700Dallas, TX 75201Tel/Fax: (877) 829.2740Email: m.tayari@tayarilaw.comCase: 13-10696 Document: 00512350219 Page: 1 Date Filed: 08/21/20132COMES NOW Appellant Jeffrey Baron, by and through his undersigned attorney, andwould show the Court:1. He has been adjudged an involuntary Chapter 7 debtor under Title 11,United States Code, in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District ofTexas, which bears the case number 12-37921-sgj7.2. An Order for Relief was entered on June 26, 2013 over Baron’s ardentobjections, where an appeal of the Order for Relief is currently pending. Although he iswithout bankruptcy counsel because the involuntary petition circumvented the FifthCircuit’s December 2012 Order and subsequent mandate to return receivershipproperty to Baron, and where he cannot access funds sufficient to hire bankruptcycounsel, the Bankruptcy Court denied Baron’s request for a stay of its Order for Relief.3. Shortly after Baron’s request for a stay of the Order for Relief was deniedby the Bankruptcy Court, believing the automatic stay applies, attorneys for Baron’sChapter 7 trustee have requested Baron suspend his pursuit of the instant appeal. (SeeAttached Exh. A).4. Although Baron disagrees the automatic stay applies to this proceedingbecause it is not an action “against the debtor” within the meaning of § 362 of thebankruptcy code, he has agreed to file the instant Suggestion of Bankruptcy in an effortto minimize costs to his estate and to preserve judicial economy. Baron, however,Case: 13-10696 Document: 00512350219 Page: 2 Date Filed: 08/21/20133reserves all rights with respect to this appeal and maintains the Bankruptcy Court doesnot have jurisdiction to pursue the underlying involuntary process.5. This Suggestion of Bankruptcy applies to Baron only, and is not intended toapply to co-appellants Novo Point LLC and Quantec LLC, both of which may continue topursue the instant appeal. See Wedgeworth v. Fibreboard, 706 F.2d 541,544 (5thCir.1983)(the language of the automatic stay only stays actions against the debtor).WHEREFORE, appellant files this suggestion that this action has been stayedagainst Jeffrey Baron by the operation of 11 U.S.C. § 362.Respectfully submitted,TAYARI LAW PLLCBy: /s/ Mpatanishi Tayari GarrettMpatanishi Tayari GarrettTX State Bar No. 24073090100 Crescent Court, Suite 700Dallas, TX 75201Tel/fax: 877.829.2740email: m.tayari@tayarilaw.comCERTIFICATE OF COUNSELThis Suggestion of Bankruptcy is filed at the request of counsel for Appellant JeffreyBaron’s Chapter 7 Trustee in his involuntary case. On August 20, 2013, I called attorneyKatheryn Reid to confirm this filing. Counsel to Appellee, Peter Vogel, Receiver was alsocontacted by the Chapter 7 Trustee attorneys, and no objection has been expressed tothe undersigned.By: /s/ Mpatanishi Tayari GarrettMpatanishi Tayari GarrettCase: 13-10696 Document: 00512350219 Page: 3 Date Filed: 08/21/20134CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing and all attachments havebeen served on Appellees and all other parties who have entered their appearanceelectronically in this case, this August 21, 2013.By: /s/ Mpatanishi Tayari GarrettMpatanishi Tayari GarrettCase: 13-10696 Document: 00512350219 Page: 4 Date Filed: 08/21/2013Case: 13-10696 Document: 00512350220 Page: 1 Date Filed: 08/21/2013Case: 13-10696 Document: 00512350220 Page: 2 Date Filed: 08/21/2013