Page 1 of 2No. DC-10-11915JEFF BARON,Plaintiff,v.GERRIT M. PRONSKE, Individually,AND PRONSKE, GOOLSBY &KATHMAN, P.C. f/k/a PRONSKE &PATEL, P.C.,Defendants.§§§§§§§§§§IN THE DISTRICT COURTOF DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS193RDJUDICIAL DISTRICTJEFFREY BARON’S SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL ANSWER TO FIRST AMENDEDCOUNTERCLAIMTO THE HONORABLE CARL GINSBERG:COMES NOW Jeffrey Baron (“Baron"),Plaintiff and Counter-Defendant, and files this Sup-plement to Ans wer to First Amended Counterclaim filed by Gerrit M. Pronske (“Pronske”) andPronske and Patel P.C. n/k/a Pronske, Goolsby & Kathman, P.C. (“PG&K”),1and would respect-fully show the Court as follows:Supplement to Affirmative DefensesBaron asserts the Counter-Plaintiff’s claims are barred by prior material breach of the un-derlying contract, thus excusing Baron from performing the same.WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Baron respectfully requeststhatPronskeand PG&K take nothing by reason of this suit; that all costs be adjudged against Pronske andPG&K; that Baron’s Special Exceptions to Pronske and PG&K’s Amended Counterclaim be sus-1This supplements the Answer filed by Plaintiff on or about June 5, 2014.FILEDDALLAS COUNTY8/18/2014 10:42:51 PMGARY FITZSIMMONSDISTRICT CLERKPage 2 of 2tained and that Pronske and PG&K be ordered to re-plead with particularity or that Pronskeand PG&K’s allegations, in their general scope, bestricken. Baron requests such other and fur-ther relief, in law and equity, general or special, to which Baron may be entitled.Respectfully Submitted,Pendergraft & Simon, LLP2777 Allen Parkway, Suite 800Houston, TX 77019Tel. (713) 528-8555Fax. (713) 868-1267/s/ William P. HaddockBy: Leonard H. SimonTexas Bar No. 18387400lsimon@pendergraftsimon.comWilliam P. HaddockTexas Bar No. 00793875whaddock@pendergraftsimon.comCounsel for Jeff BaronCertificate of ServiceI hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above Jeffrey Baron’s Second SupplementalAnswer to First Amended Counterclaim has been served on the following counsel/parties of rec-ord in accordance with TEX. R. CIV. P. 21a and local rules for electronic filing and service on this18thday of August 2014.Gerrit M. PronskeJason P. KathmanMelanie P. GoolsbyPronske Goolsby & Kathman, PC2200 Ross Ave., Suite 5350Dallas, TX 75201Fax. 214-658-6509/s/ William P. HaddockWilliam P. Haddock![]()