Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
7026 Old Katy Road, Ste. 259
Houston, Texas 77096
Telephone: (713)980-8796
Facsimile: (214) 980-1179
Attorney for Appellant
Jeffrey Baron
Dallas Division
In re: §
§ Case No. 12-37921-SGJ-7
Debtor. §
Jeffrey Baron, involuntary debtor, hereby appeals to the United States District Court for
the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, under 28 U.S.C. § 158(a) from the bankruptcy
court’s Order for Relief in an Involuntary Case, entered on June 26, 2013 (Docket. No. 240).
The names of all parties to the judgment, order or decree appealed from and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of their respective attorneys are as follows:
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 253 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 14:17:40 Page 1 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 1 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal Page 2
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Appellant: Jeffrey Baron
c/o Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
Texas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Counsel for Appellant: Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
Texas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Appellees: We should include all petitioning creditors and counsel
Elizabeth Schurig, pro se
Shurig Jetel Beckett Tackett
100 Congress Ave., 22
Austin, Texas 78701
Dean Ferguson, pro se
4715 Breezy Point Drive
Kingwood, Texas 77345
Mark Taylor, pro se
8150 North Central Expressway, Ste. 1575
Dallas, Texas 75206
Jeffrey Hall, pro se
8150 North Central Expressway
Suite 1575
Dallas, Texas 75206
Gary Lyon
P.O. Box 1227
Anna, Texas 75409
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 253 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 14:17:40 Page 2 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 2 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal Page 3
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Robert J. Garrey
Clouse Dunn LLP
1201 Elm Street, Suite 5200
Dallas, Texas 75270
Gerrit Pronske
Pronske & Patel, P.C.
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
Counsel for Certain For Gary G. Lyon and Robert Garrey, Esq.
Appellees: The Willingham Law Firm
6401 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Ste. #206
McKinney, Texas 75070
Tel: (214) 250-4406
Fax: (866) 309-7476
For Garrit Pronske/Proske & Patel, P.C.
Melanie Pearce Goolsby
2200 Ross Avenue, Ste. 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
Tel: (214) 658-6500
Fax: (214) 658-6509
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 253 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 14:17:40 Page 3 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 3 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal Page 4
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Counsel for For Gary G. Lyon and Robert Garrey, Esq.
Appellees: The Willingham Law Firm
6401 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Ste. #206
McKinney, Texas 75070
Tel: (214) 250-4406
Fax: (866) 309-7476
For Gerrit Pronske/Proske & Patel, P.C.
Melanie Pearce Goolsby
2200 Ross Avenue, Ste. 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
Tel: (214) 658-6500
Fax: (214) 658-6509
Dated: July 8, 2013 Very respectfully,
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
By: /s/ Stephen R. Cochell
Stephen R. Cochell
Sexas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 253 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 14:17:40 Page 4 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 4 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal Page 5
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
On this date, I electronically submitted the foregoing document with the Bankruptcy
Clerk for the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, using the electronic case filing
system of the court. I hereby certify that I have served all parties who receive notification
through the electronic filing system.
/s/ Stephen R. Cochell
Stephen R. Cochell
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 253 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 14:17:40 Page 5 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 5 of 10
Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
7026 Old Katy Road, Ste. 259
Houston, Texas 77096
Telephone: (713)980-8796
Facsimile: (214) 980-1179
Attorney for Appellant
Jeffrey Baron
Dallas Division
In re: §
§ Case No. 12-37921-SGJ-7
Debtor. §
Jeffrey Baron, involuntary debtor, hereby appeals to the United States District Court for
the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, under 28 U.S.C. § 158(a) from the bankruptcy
court’s Order for Relief in an Involuntary Case, entered on June 26, 2013 (Docket. No. 240).
The names of all parties to the judgment, order or decree appealed from and the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of their respective attorneys are as follows:
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 257 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 17:58:37 Page 1 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 6 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal – Page 2
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Appellant: Jeffrey Baron
c/o Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
Texas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Counsel for Appellant: Stephen R. Cochell
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
Texas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Appellees: Elizabeth Schurig, pro se
Shurig Jetel Beckett Tackett
100 Congress Ave., 22
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 370-2732
Dean Ferguson, pro se
4715 Breezy Point Drive
Kingwood, Texas 77345
(713) 834-2399
Mark Taylor, pro se
8150 North Central Expressway, Ste. 1575
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 491-5185
Jeffrey Hall, pro se
8150 North Central Expressway, Suite 1575
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 491-5185
Gary Lyon
P.O. Box 1227
Anna, Texas 75409
(972) 977-7221
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 257 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 17:58:37 Page 2 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 7 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal – Page 3
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Robert J. Garrey
Clouse Dunn LLP
1201 Elm Street, Suite 5200
Dallas, Texas 75270
(214) 220-3888
Gerrit Pronske
Pronske & Patel, P.C.
2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 658-6500
Counsel for Certain For Gary G. Lyon and Robert Garrey, Esq.
Appellees: The Willingham Law Firm
6401 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Ste. #206
McKinney, Texas 75070
Tel: (214) 250-4406
Fax: (866) 309-7476
For Garrit Pronske/Proske & Patel, P.C.
Melanie Pearce Goolsby
2200 Ross Avenue, Ste. 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
Tel: (214) 658-6500
Fax: (214) 658-6509
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 257 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 17:58:37 Page 3 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 8 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal – Page 4
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
Counsel for For Gary G. Lyon and Robert Garrey, Esq.
Appellees: The Willingham Law Firm
6401 W. Eldorado Pkwy, Ste. #206
McKinney, Texas 75070
Tel: (214) 250-4406
Fax: (866) 309-7476
For Gerrit Pronske/Proske & Patel, P.C.
Melanie Pearce Goolsby
2200 Ross Avenue, Ste. 5350
Dallas, Texas 75201
Tel: (214) 658-6500
Fax: (214) 658-6509
Dated: July 8, 2013 Very respectfully,
The Cochell Law Firm, P.C.
By: /s/ Stephen R. Cochell
Stephen R. Cochell
Sexas Bar No. 24044255
7026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259
Houston, Texas 77096
(713)980-8796 (phone)
(713)980-1179 (facsimile)
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 257 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 17:58:37 Page 4 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 9 of 10
Debtor’s Notice of Appeal – Page 5
In re Jeffrey Baron, 12-37921-sgj
On this date, I electronically submitted the foregoing document with the Bankruptcy
Clerk for the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas, using the electronic case filing
system of the court. I hereby certify that I have served all parties who receive notification
through the electronic filing system.
/s/ Stephen R. Cochell
Stephen R. Cochell
Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 257 Filed 07/08/13 Entered 07/08/13 17:58:37 Page 5 of 5Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 455-1 Filed 01/30/14 Entered 01/30/14 21:10:34 Page 10 of 10

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