AMENDED ORDER APPROVING TRUSTEE'S MOTION FOR EXAMINATION OF JEFFREY BARON PURSUANTTO BANKRUPTCY RULE 2004 – PAGE 1IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re:ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY,DEBTOR§§§§§CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11Chapter 11AMENDED ORDER APPROVING TRUSTEE'S MOTION FOR EXAMINATIONOF JEFFREY BARON PURSUANT TO BANKRUPTCY RULE 2004At Dallas, Texas, in said District, on the 4THday of March, 2010, this Court was advisedof an agreement reached between Daniel J. Sherman ("Trustee") and counsel for Jeffrey Baron("Baron") regarding the Rule 2004 Examination of Mr. Baron which was previously approvedpursuant to the Order Approving Trustee's Motion for Examination of Jeffrey Baron pursuant toBankruptcy Rule 2004 entered on February 1, 2010. The Court was advised that the Trusteehad scheduled the examination for Friday, March 5, 2010, however pursuant to a request bycounsel for Baron, the Trustee agreed to delay the Rule 2004 examination to a later date. TheCourt has also heard from counsel for Mr. Baron who has indicated that Mr. Baron may havecertain health issues.Counsel for the Trustee and Baron announced on the record that the Rule 2004examination of Baron will take place no later than two weeks from March 5, 2010 which date isU.S. BANKRUPTCY COURTNORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASENTEREDTAWANA C. MARSHALL, CLERKTHE DATE OF ENTRY ISON THE COURT'S DOCKETThe following constitutes the ruling of the court and has the force and effect therein described.Signed March 8, 2010 United States Bankruptcy JudgeCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 280 Filed 03/09/10 Entered 03/09/10 08:47:58 DescMain Document Page 1 of 2AMENDED ORDER APPROVING TRUSTEE'S MOTION FOR EXAMINATION OF JEFFREY BARON PURSUANTTO BANKRUPTCY RULE 2004 – PAGE 2March 19, 2010. This Court requires that the examination must take place on or before thatdate and if Baron fails to appear, he will be held in contempt. In said event, the Trustee shallpromptly advise this Court. In the event that Baron has a health or medical situation whichrequires a continuance, counsel for Baron must file a motion for protective order, request anemergency hearing and at such hearing have present a licensed physician to address the Courtregarding Baron's health condition. Accordingly, it is therefore,ORDERED:1. Mr. Baron shall appear for his Rule 2004 Examination to be conducted by theTrustee no later than March 19, 2009. If he fails to appear for such Rule 2004 examination, heshall be held in contempt.2. In the event that Baron cannot attend the Rule 2004 Examination because of amedical condition, counsel for Baron must file a motion for protective order, schedule anemergency hearing and at such hearing have present a licensed physician who can testifybefore this Court regarding Baron's physical condition and why Baron cannot attend his Rule2004 Examination.IT IS SO ORDERED.# # # END OF ORDER # # #Submitted by:Raymond J. Urbanik, Esq.Texas Bar No. 20414050MUNSCH HARDT KOPF & HARR, P.C.3800 Lincoln Plaza500 North Akard StreetDallas, Texas 75201-6659Telephone: (214) 855-7500Facsimile: (214) 855-7584E-mail: rurbanik@munsch.comATTORNEYS FOR DANIEL J. SHERMAN,CHAPTER 11 TRUSTEEMHDocs 2551096_1 11236.1Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 280 Filed 03/09/10 Entered 03/09/10 08:47:58 DescMain Document Page 2 of 2![]()