1IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re: §§ Case No. 09-34784-SGJONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, § (Chapter 11)§§Debtor §APPELLANTJEFFREY BARON’S STATEMENT OF ISSUES ON APPEALREGARDING ORDER DENYING APPELLANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACKOF JURISDICTION AND PARIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT ORDERTO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT:NOW COMES Jeffrey Baron, Appellant, in accordance with Rule 8006 of theBankruptcy Rules and files this, the Appellant’s Statement of Issues on Appeal Regarding CourtOrder Denying Alleged Debtors’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction[112] and Partial Summary Judgment Order. [118]As to both the Order Denying the Alleged Debtors’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack ofJurisdiction and Partial Summary Judgment Order, Appellant states the following issues forappeal:1. Whether the bankruptcy court erred by failing to dismiss the involuntary bankruptcyand, instead, ruling that bankruptcy jurisdiction was established over Appellant as amatter of law by District Court Docket 575 (hereafter, the “Claimant Order”).a. Whether the Claimant Order was a Final Order?Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 157 Filed 05/03/13 Entered 05/03/13 15:59:17 Desc MainDocument Page 1 of 42b. Whether the Claimant Order established the personal liability of theAppellant to each of Petitioning Creditors and foreclosed any bona fidedisputes as to the validity or amount of the alleged debts?c. Whether District Court Docket 987 stayed, pending appeal, the ClaimantOrder and therefore renders the Petitioning Creditors’ claims subject to a bonafide dispute?e. Whether the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the Claimant Orderthrough findings set out and specifically articulated in its Opinion and Orderof December 18, 2012 and therefore renders the Petitioning Creditors’ claimssubject to a bona fide dispute?f. Whether the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Order of November 9, 2012and/or December 31, 2012 stayed the Claimant Order and therefore rendersthe Petitioning Creditors’ claims subject to a bona fide dispute?g. Whether res judicata bars Appellant’s bona fide disputes as to thePetitioning Creditors’ claims because no final determination was made ofeither the liability or amount of the claims against Appellant?h. Whether collateral estoppel bar’s Appellants bona fide disputes as to thePetitioning Creditors’ claims because the “facts” determined were notessential to the order, and because the order was not fully and fairly litigated.2. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in ruling that res judicata bars Appellant fromestablishing a bona fide dispute as to the claims of the Petitioning Creditors?3. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in ruling that collateral estoppel barsAppellant from establishing a bona fide dispute as to the claims of the PetitioningCreditors?4. Whether the Fifth Circuit decision dated December 18, 2012 was res judicata and/orcollaterally estopped re-litigation of Petitioning Creditors’ claim that Docket 575 had“not been reduced to judgment”, the current and former lawyers were “nonjudgmentcreditors” who sought to recover on “unsecured claims…that had not been reduced tojudgment” and therefore not a final judgment on the merits?5. Whether an order that was part of a vacated receivership proceeding can serve as abasis for collateral estoppel or res judicata in subsequent proceedings?6. Whether Petitioning Creditors’ Petition was barred and should have beendismissed as a result of District Court’s Receivership Order?Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 157 Filed 05/03/13 Entered 05/03/13 15:59:17 Desc MainDocument Page 2 of 43As to the Order Denying the Alleged Debtors’ Motion to Dismiss for Lack ofJurisdiction, in addition to the issues raised above, Appellant raises the following issues forappeal:7. Whether Petitioning Creditors acted in bad faith by filing an involuntarybankruptcy petition where, as here, they were fully aware that the Fifth CircuitCourt of Appeals ruled that there was no judgment on the merits as to theclaims raised by the Petitioning Creditors.8. Whether Petitioning Creditors’ filing of the Involuntary BankruptcyPetition was an abuse of the bankruptcy Code and a waste of judicial resources?9. Whether the Petitioning Creditors’ filing of the Involuntary BankruptcyPetition Interfered with the jurisdiction of the District Court in Winding Downthe Receivership, as ordered by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals?As to the Partial Summary Judgment Order, in addition to the issues raisedabove in Issues 1-6, Appellant raises the following issues on appeal:10. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in failing to grant Appellant’sMotion For Continuance to take discovery from Petitioning Creditors prior toruling on its Motion for Summary Judgment.11. Whether the bankruptcy court erred in failing to grant the allegeddebtor’s motion to dismiss as the determination and adjudication of thesubstantive merits of the Petitioning Creditors’disputes before the bankruptcycourt constituted the “prototypical exercise of judicial power” that must beheard by an Article III judge.12. Whether the bankruptcy court should have dismissed the involuntarybankruptcy petition for insufficient service of process?13. Whether the bankruptcy court should have dismissed the involuntarybankruptcy petition for denial of due process, including but not limited to thealleged debtor’s inability to hire counsel of choice to defend himself and hisassets?14. Whether an order entered in In re Ondova granting Pronske & Patel,P.C. substantial contribution constitutes res judicata or collaterally estopsCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 157 Filed 05/03/13 Entered 05/03/13 15:59:17 Desc MainDocument Page 3 of 44Appellant from establishing a bona fide dispute as to validity or amount ofPronske & Patel, P.C.’s claims?Respectfully submitted,/s/ Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellThe Cochell Law Firm, P.C.Texas Bar No. 240442557026 Old Katy Rd., Ste 259Houston, Texas 77096(713)980-8796 (phone)(713)980-1179 (facsimile)srcochell@cochellfirm.comCertificate of ServiceOn May 3, 2013, I electronically submitted the foregoing document with the clerk of court forthe U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas, using the electronic case filing system ofthe court. I hereby certify that I have served all counsel and/or pro se parties of recordelectronically or by another manner authorized by Federal rule of Civil Procedure 5 (b)(2)./s/Stephen R. CochellStephen R. CochellCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 157 Filed 05/03/13 Entered 05/03/13 15:59:17 Desc MainDocument Page 4 of 4![]()