JOINDER IN DEBTOR’S EMERGENCY MOTION ASSERTING: (I) NO PERFECTED LIEN ONDEBTOR’S CASH OR ACCOUNTS; AND (II) ABILITY TO UTILIZE SUCH PROPERTY OF THEESTATE PER 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1) –PAGE 1Gerrit M. PronskeState Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonState Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 658-6500 – Telephone(214) 658-6509 – TelecopierEmail: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONIN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re: §§ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, § CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11§Debtor. § Chapter 11JOINDER IN DEBTOR’S EMERGENCY MOTION ASSERTING: (I) NOPERFECTED LIEN ON DEBTOR’S CASH OR ACCOUNTS; AND (II) ABILITYTO UTILIZE SUCH PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE PER 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1)TO THE HONORABLE STACEY G. JERNIGAN,UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE:Jeffrey Baron (“Baron”), a creditor in this case, hereby files this Joinder in Debtor’sEmergency Motion Asserting: (I) No Perfected Lien on Debtor’s Cash or Accounts; and (II) Abilityto Utilize Such Property of the Estate per 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1) (“Joinder”) filed on July 29, 2009and in support thereof, respectfully represent as follows:I. JURISDICTION AND VENUE1. The Court has jurisdiction over the Motion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and1334. This matter is a core proceeding and this Motion is proper in this district pursuant to 28Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 198 Filed 01/05/10 Entered 01/05/10 09:22:04 DescMain Document Page 1 of 3JOINDER IN DEBTOR’S EMERGENCY MOTION ASSERTING: (I) NO PERFECTED LIEN ONDEBTOR’S CASH OR ACCOUNTS; AND (II) ABILITY TO UTILIZE SUCH PROPERTY OF THEESTATE PER 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1) –PAGE 2U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.2. The statutory basis for relief requested herein is Section 363 of the United StatesBankruptcy Code.II. BACKGROUND3. On July 27, 2009 (the “Petition Date”), the Debtor filed for bankruptcy protectionunder chapter 11 of title 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Pursuant to Sections 1107 and 1108 of theBankruptcy Code, the Debtor is continuing to operate its business and manage its property as adebtor in possession.4. On or about July 29, 2009, the Debtor filed its Emergency Motion Asserting: (I)No Perfected Lien on Debtor’s Cash or Accounts; and (II) Ability to Utilize Such Property of theEstate per 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1) (the “Motion”) (Docket No. 10).5. On September 17, 2009, the Court entered an order approving the appointment ofa chapter 11 trustee (Docket No. 98).III. JOINDER6. Though he does not agree with, join in or adopt the factual allegations made bythe Debtor within the Motion, for his own independent reasons, Baron files this Joinder in theMotion and requests this Court grant the relief sought in the Motion, based upon the argumentsand authority contained therein. Baron hereby joins and adopts those legal arguments here, as iffully set forth herein.7. As argued in the Motion, no party has a security interest in the Debtor’s cash,deposit accounts or accounts as of the Petition Date, and the proceeds therein are not subject toany party’s security interest or lien, thus, the Debtor, as directed by the Chapter 11 Trustee, maycontinue to utilize same in the ordinary course of business without need of any specific order ofCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 198 Filed 01/05/10 Entered 01/05/10 09:22:04 DescMain Document Page 2 of 3JOINDER IN DEBTOR’S EMERGENCY MOTION ASSERTING: (I) NO PERFECTED LIEN ONDEBTOR’S CASH OR ACCOUNTS; AND (II) ABILITY TO UTILIZE SUCH PROPERTY OF THEESTATE PER 11 U.S.C. § 363(c)(1) –PAGE 3the Court authorizing said cash’s use.WHEREFORE, Baron respectfully requests an order of this Court granting the reliefrequested by the Debtor’s Motion and for such other and further relief, legal or equitable, specialor general to which Baron may show himself justly entitled.Dated: January 5, 2010 Respectfully submittedBy: /s/ Gerrit M. Pronske____Gerrit M. PronskeTexas Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonTexas Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201Telephone: 214.658.6500Facsimile: 214.658.6509Email: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI, the undersigned, hereby certify that on January 5, 2010 I caused to be served theforegoing pleading upon the service list attached hereto via the Court’s electronic transmissionfacilities and/or United States mail, first class delivery./s/ _Gerrit M. Pronske______Gerrit M. PronskeCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 198 Filed 01/05/10 Entered 01/05/10 09:22:04 DescMain Document Page 3 of 3Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 198-1 Filed 01/05/10 Entered 01/05/10 09:22:04 DescService List Page 1 of 2Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 198-1 Filed 01/05/10 Entered 01/05/10 09:22:04 DescService List Page 2 of 2![]()