OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S MOTION FOR ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE ANDSETTLEMENT WITH RIVER CRUISE INVESTMENTS, LTD., PURSUANT TO RULE 9019, FEDERALRULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE –PAGE 1Gerrit M. PronskeState Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonState Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 658-6500 – Telephone(214) 658-6509 – TelecopierEmail: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONIN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re: §§ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, § CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11§Debtor. § Chapter 11OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S MOTION FOR ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISEAND SETTLEMENT WITH RIVER CRUISE INVESTMENTS, LTD., PURSUANT TORULE 9019, FEDERAL RULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURETO THE HONORABLE STACEY G. C. JERNIGAN,UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE:Jeffrey Baron (“Baron”), a creditor in this case, hereby files this his Objection to Trustee’sMotion for Order Approving Compromise and Settlement with River Cruise Investments, Ltd.,Pursuant to Rule 9019, Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure filed on February 9, 2010 byDaniel J. Sherman (the “Trustee”) and in support thereof, respectfully represents as follows:I. FACTUAL BACKGROUND1. On July 27, 2009 (the “Petition Date”), the Debtor filed for bankruptcy protectionunder chapter 11 of title 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 278 Filed 03/03/10 Entered 03/03/10 18:07:54 DescMain Document Page 1 of 3OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S MOTION FOR ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE ANDSETTLEMENT WITH RIVER CRUISE INVESTMENTS, LTD., PURSUANT TO RULE 9019, FEDERALRULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE –PAGE 22. On September 17, 2009, the Court entered an order approving the appointment ofa chapter 11 trustee (Docket No. 98).3. On February 9, 2010, the Trustee filed his Motion for Order ApprovingCompromise and Settlement with River Cruise Investments, Ltd., Pursuant to Rule 9019, FederalRules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Motion”) (Docket No. 259).II. OBJECTION4. The Motion seeks approval of a settlement under which River Cruise Investments,Ltd. (“River Cruise”) will pay a total of $350,000.00 to the Debtor, minus a deduction for theBeckham Group’s Compensation fee. Such payment is essentially a reimbursement for excessfunds paid to River Cruise in connection with the Loan Agreement.1However, as shown by theAcknowledgement and Release, attached hereto as Exhibit “A,” such funds were actually paidby Baron, a Guarantor under the Loan Agreement. Thus, the $350,000.00 referenced in theMotion are funds which rightfully should be returned to Baron, and not paid to the Debtor. Asthe Motion seeks authority to enter in to a settlement which pays such funds to the Debtor, andnot to Baron, Baron hereby objects to the Motion.5. Baron reserves his right to file a brief in support of this Objection.WHEREFORE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Baron respectfully requests this Court denythe Motion and grant Baron such other and further relief whether in law or equity, to whichBaron is entitled.1Terms not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Motion.Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 278 Filed 03/03/10 Entered 03/03/10 18:07:54 DescMain Document Page 2 of 3OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S MOTION FOR ORDER APPROVING COMPROMISE ANDSETTLEMENT WITH RIVER CRUISE INVESTMENTS, LTD., PURSUANT TO RULE 9019, FEDERALRULES OF BANKRUPTCY PROCEDURE –PAGE 3Dated: March 3, 2010 Respectfully submittedBy: /s/ Gerrit M. Pronske____Gerrit M. PronskeTexas Bar No. 16351640Vickie L. DriverTexas Bar No. 24026886Christina W. StephensonTexas Bar No. 24049535PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201Telephone: 214.658.6500Facsimile: 214.658.6509Email: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: vdriver@pronskepatel.comEmail: cstephenson@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR JEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI, the undersigned, hereby certify that on March 3, 2010 I caused to be served theforegoing pleading upon all parties registered to receive electronic notice via the Court’selectronic transmission facilities./s/ _Gerrit M. Pronske______Gerrit M. PronskeCase 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 278 Filed 03/03/10 Entered 03/03/10 18:07:54 DescMain Document Page 3 of 3Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 278-1 Filed 03/03/10 Entered 03/03/10 18:07:54 DescExhibit A Page 1 of 1![]()