G A R Y N. S C H E P P S
A T T O R N E Y & C O U N S E L O R
DRAWER 670804
March 3, 2011
Hon. Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr.
United States District Judge
1100 Commerce Street, Room 1359
Dallas, Texas 75242-1001
Re: 3-09CV0988-F; Netsphere, Inc., et al v. Jeffrey Baron, et al
Your Honor,
Your honor's goal is for cooperation to kick out animosity, to achieve the Court's
goals. I have put my shoulders behind that goal and am pushing with all my strength.
Looks like I need your help to turn my partner in the right direction.
Your honor knows I am a solo practitioner, and I hope your honor will understand
that I do not have the time available to respond to the personally directed mountain of
mud slinging from the receiver point by point.
Just pulling at random from the pile, the receiver claims at page 13 of their report
to this Court that we are fabricating an emergency: "February 16, 2011, Mr. Baron signed
a Declaration also stating under oath that the automotive situation was an emergency."
If your honor will get your honor’s hands on a copy of Mr. Baron's February 16,
2011 Declaration, your honor can weigh the words of the receiver against the truth.
I am a solo practitioner. I am not a member of a large firm teeming with lawyers.
Hopefully that does not reduce the weight of my argument in the court's eyes.
We would like to dissolve this receivership today. I have weighed this Courts’
words carefully.
USCA5 609