-2-IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., §MANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and §MUNISH KRISHAN, §Plaintiffs. §§ Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-Fv. §§JEFFREY BARON, and §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §Defendants. §MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE: MOTION TO STAY ORDER TODISCLOSE ATTORNEY-CLIENT MATERIALSTO THE HONORABLE JUDGE ROYAL FURGESON:COMES NOW JEFF BARON, Appellant, and moves this Court to grant leave tofile the following emergency motion to protect the attorney-client privilege between aclient and their former counsel, and to stay the district court’s order for Jeff Baron’sformer tax attorney, Elizabeth Schurig, to disclose attorney-client materials. Mr.Schurig has been ordered to disclose by today, so an immediate consideration of thismotion is requested.As explained below, and established though the concrete evidence attached asexhibits hereto, the receiver below affirmatively orchestrated matters, setting up JeffBaron by directing him to call a certain phone number at a certain time. The receiverthen represented that Mr. Baron had not been provided the secret number and was“despicable” and was ‘harassing’ and ‘intimidating’ the receiver by calling that numberand interfering with the call.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 1 of 6 PageID 16492-3-A. BACKGROUNDThe procedural background of this motion is as follows:(1) Jeff Baron settled the lawsuit below, and all parties to the suit entered intoa stipulated dismissal with prejudice.(2) A former attorney of Jeff Baron's, Elizabeth Schurig, had been paid a feetotaling $1,100,249.88. Although no lawsuit was filed, she claims$1,331.50 (approx. 0.1%) is still due from Jeff Baron. See Exhibit B.(3) Approximately 20 other attorneys claim to be in the same situation. One,for example, had filed a claim in small claims court, another (who hadworked for two weeks on a flat monthly rate) filed a county court lawsuitseeking $1,000,000.00. Most of the attorneys have no claims filed in anycourt.(4) These non-diverse, unpled claims were not part of the district courtlawsuit. However, your honor has ruled that since 20 attorneys claim Jeffowes them money, it must be true and no lawsuits or trials are necessary.See e.g., Exhibit D. The this court ruled that a district judge has 'inherentauthority' and pursuant to that power can control the aspects of JeffBaron's personal life as the court finds appropriate ‘in the interest ofjustice’.(5) Jeff Baron was placed in ex-parte receivership so that your honor couldtake possession of all of Jeff's assets. The proceedings have evolved intosomething akin to a 'free for all' bankruptcy conducted according toCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 2 of 6 PageID 16493-4-ad hoc rules and your honor’s sense of 'justice'.(6) For his willingness to assist Mr. Baron in appealing the receivership order,the undersigned counsel was ordered to work, without payment, as Mr.Baron’s attorney for all purposes in the trial court.B. THE IMMEDIATE ISSUEThe district court has now waived Jeff Baron's attorney client privilege withrespect to Ms. Schurig and ordered her to disclose information relating to herrepresentation of Jeff. The purpose of all that is to strip Jeff Baron of his right to file hisown personal income tax returns. See Exhibit C.Once attorney client material is released, it cannot be placed back into the bottle.If this court’s order is allowed to stand, it will threaten public confidence in theattorney-client relationship, and have wide ranging impact that lowers the standing andtrust in the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship generally. See Upjohn Co. v.United States, 449 US 383, 389 (1981).C. FARCE AND ORCHESTRATED “SHOW”, WITHOUT MUCHEFFORT TO CONCEAL THE WIRESHere is how the receiver’s false motion and order were orchestrated:(1) The receiver sent an email to Jeff Baron telling him to call a phonenumber at a certain date and time about his tax returns. A second email, directedpersonally to him and none other, instructed him as to a new phone number tocall. Exhibit E.(2) When Jeff Baron's counsel called the number at the requested time, heCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 3 of 6 PageID 16494-5-was announced his name and was immediately accused of ‘harassment’ andintimidation by ‘breaking in’ to a ‘private’ and secret call of the receiver.(3) The district court's receiver immediately filed an emergency motionrepresenting:(A) That no email was sent to Jeff Baron with the secret phonenumber, (before any response claiming this had been filed);(B) Jeff Baron must have received the phone numberinformation from a 3rd party, Mr. Harbin, whom Jeff Baroncontrols and conspires with (as proven by the turning overby Harbin of the secret phone number); and(C) Jeff Baron broke into the private conversation in a pattern ofharassment of the receiver and Ms. Schurig.(4) Your honor then signed an ex-parte order before allowing a response tothe substance of the motion. Jeff Baron filed a letter with the court explainingthat the facts had been orchestrated by the receiver, and that a response inopposition would be filed. None of that mattered. The receiver filed the false,orchestrated motion and an order stating that the district court considered “theevidence, and pleadings on file” and finding “the Motion is well-taken andshould be GRANTED in all ways” was entered the next day. Exhibit C.D. THE EVIDENCEAttached as Exhibit E is a copy of the smoking gun email, including the ‘bitsand bytes’ showing the originating IP and source of the email: the receiver's lawCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 4 of 6 PageID 16495-6-office. It may come as a surprise to the receiver that the email contains this data, but themessage ID numbers can be traced directly back to the receiver’s email server.The receiver’s orchestrated framing of Jeff Baron has now been fully exposed.The risk to public confidence in the federal court system is substantial if such conduct–by a district judge's own officer who serves on behalf of the district judge– is permitted.This is not a circumstance of a private party 'setting up' a fake incident andmaking fraudulent claims to a court. This is an agent of the court itself engaged in a 'setup' and false representations to frame a defendant to show a “pattern of threatening andintimidating”.E. THE RELIEF REQUESTEDJeff Baron moves jointly and in the alternative for an order to: (1) Stay the orderallowing Ms. Schurig to disclosing Jeff Baron’s attorney-client material. Ms. Schurig isset to take that action today. (2) Stay the receivership against Mr. Baron, or stay thereceivership to the extent it is limited to property and is stayed with respect to control ofMr. Baron’s person, his civil rights, his right to work, his right to hire counsel, his rightto file income tax returns, and all other personal and constitutional rights of a citizen ofthis country.Because of the emergency nature of the relief and the time limitations a motionto stay has also been filed in the court of appeals. If this court enters any ruling on thismotion, counsel will immediately notify the court of appeals.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 5 of 6 PageID 16496-7-Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsTexas State Bar No. 007916085400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200Dallas, Texas 75240(214) 210-5940 - Telephone(214) 347-4031 - FacsimileEmail: legal@schepps.netFOR JEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this brief was served this day on all parties who receivenotification through the Court’s electronic filing system.CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCEThis is to certify that I called counsel for the receiver and Sherman, and was unableto conference with them. I left messages but have not yet been called back.CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANT JEFFREY BARONCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 440 Filed 04/07/11 Page 6 of 6 PageID 16497![]()