Martin ThomasP.O. Box 36528Dallas, TX 75235Phone 214 951 9466Fax 214 951 9007State Bar 19859650IN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THENORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY CASE NO. 09-34784-SGJ-11DEBTOR CHAPTER 11MOTION TO SUBSTITUTEAND TO RECONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OFGARY LYONS AS SOLE ATTORNEY FOR JEFF BARONComes now Jeff Baron (“Baron”) and for his AMENDED MOTION TO SUBSTITUTEAND TO RECONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OF GARY LYONS AS SOLE ATTORNEY FORJEFF BARON states and alleges:1. Baron does not seek this substitution for the purpose of delay or to negativelyeffect the Global Settlement Agreement. In point of fact, he wants the Global SettlementAgreement to be fully implemented.2. However, after the Global Settlement Agreement, there will be matters remainingin the bankruptcy that Mr. Lyon is not licensed to handle and therefore Baron wants to replaceMr. Lyon as lead counsel for Baron in this matter.3. On September 15, 2010, this Court ordered that Jeff Baron not be allowed toretain counsel of his choice.4. The Court ruled on that date that the only attorney who could represent Mr. Baronin this matter was Gary Lyon and that Martin Thomas could not participate in this bankruptcy.5. However, the Court did not then consider that Mr. Lyon is not admitted topractice law by the State of Texas. He does represent that he has been admitted to the UnitedMOTION TO SUBSTITUTE AND TO RECONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OFGARY LYONS AS SOLE ATTORNEY FOR JEFF BARON - Page NO.: 1Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 461 Filed 09/30/10 Entered 09/30/10 13:01:00 DescMain Document Page 1 of 3States District Court for the Northern District of Texas (and thereby to the U.S. BankruptcyCourt in this matter).6. While bankruptcy is initially federal law, many aspects of cases are determined bystate law.7. Without limitation, this Court has issued two Show Cause Orders implicatingTexas State criminal law.8. Additionally, state law may control the attorney fee issues raised by GerritPronske as well as the evaluation of claims.9. Mr. Lyon has advised Baron that Mr. Lyon is admitted only in the State ofOklahoma and that the Oklahoma Supreme Court requires that when an attorney licensed only inOklahoma appears in the courts of another state (including the Federal Courts located in a stateother than Oklahoma) the Oklahoma lawyer must associate with an attorney licensed in that statefor the purpose of any non-Oklahoma state law issues.10. Additionally, Baron asked the Court on September 22, 2010 to allow him to berepresented Mr. Thomas at the show cause hearing because Mr. Lyon had not previouslyhandled a show cause hearing and Mr. Thomas had. Baron had asked Mr. Lyon to assert theobjections stated in Exhibit “A” but Mr. Lyon failed to do so. Baron believes the sameobjections should be asserted as to the Show Cause Order issued on September 27, 2010.11. Mr. Thomas has been paid in full for his services through September 30, 2010 andagrees not to assert any future non-payment in this bankruptcy.Wherefore, Baron prays that the Court reconsider its prior rulings in light of Mr. Lyon’snot being licensed to practice law in the State of Texas and that Martin Thomas be substituted ashis lead counsel of record in this matter.Dated: September 28, 2010 Respectfully submitted,MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE AND TO RECONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OFGARY LYONS AS SOLE ATTORNEY FOR JEFF BARON - Page NO.: 2Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 461 Filed 09/30/10 Entered 09/30/10 13:01:00 DescMain Document Page 2 of 3/s/ Martin K. ThomasMartin ThomasP.O. Box 36528Dallas, TX 75235Phone 214 951 946Fax 214 951 9007State Bar 19859650CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI hereby certify that I served all parties who have entered an electronic appearance in thismatter via the ECF filing system this September 29, 2010/s/ Martin K. ThomasCERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCEThe undersigned counsel hereby certifies that he conferred with Ray Urbanik onSeptember 30, 2010 and that Mr. Urbanik said that the Trustee, Daniel Sherman, will not opposethe relief requested in this motion. The Trustee was the only party who objected to thewithdrawal of Mr. Pronske (on the basis that he objected to any replacement attorney) andtherefore appears to be the only party with an interest in this motion. Mr. Gary Lyon has notadvised the undersigned of whether he opposes the motion. Additionally, under LocalBankruptcy Rule 9014-1 a conference is not required when it is reasonably anticipated that thenumber of opposing parties may be too numerous to contact prior to the filing of the motion.Because of the large number of signatories to the Global Settlement Agreement, Baron does notbelieve that further conferences are required on this motion./s/ Martin K. ThomasMOTION TO SUBSTITUTE AND TO RECONSIDER EMPLOYMENT OFGARY LYONS AS SOLE ATTORNEY FOR JEFF BARON - Page NO.: 3Case 09-34784-sgj11 Doc 461 Filed 09/30/10 Entered 09/30/10 13:01:00 DescMain Document Page 3 of 3