2. On March 2, 2011, this Court entered an Order [Doc 338], advising that the
primary purpose of continuing the receivership was to “ensure that the unpaid
attorneys claims against him could be resolved so that the bankruptcy action could
be closed
”. That matter was appealed on May 18, 2011.
3. On May 24, 2011, this Court entered an Order [Doc 586] advising the parties
that this Court is stayed from taking further action in the matters involved in the
appeals taken on May 18, 2011.
4. Accordingly, in light of the current procedural posture of this case, there is
no reasonable basis to continue the lock-down injunction against Jeff.
5. For further cause, the argument of Mr. Baron’s appellate briefing is attached
hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference.
WHEREFORE, Jeff Baron requests the Court to immediately stay or vacate
the injunctions ordered [Doc 130] against Jeff Baron pending resolution of the
issues on appeal to the Fifth Circuit.
The bankruptcy trustee has filed an adversary action in the bankruptcy court against Mr. Emke
regarding “servers.com”. The filing of the new adversary action and the expected counterclaim
will prevent the closing and resolution of the bankruptcy case for some time to come—until
discovery is completed and a trial is held on that adversary action. Resolution of the attorneys
fees claims will therefore not allow the immediate closing of the bankruptcy case (assuming
arguendo the claims would otherwise have an impact on the closing of the bankruptcy case).
Notably, since November 2010 Jeff Baron has been 100% neutralized in the bankruptcy court,
and the bankruptcy court recognizes no rights in that court on Mr. Baron’s behalf recognizing
only the receiver as holding all of Mr. Baron’s rights in that court. Yet, in the more than 6
months that have passed, Mr. Sherman has not closed down the bankruptcy, and has instead
made great pains to expand the bankruptcy and prevent it from being closed, for example by
recently initiating an adversary action against Mr. Emke.
Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 591 Filed 05/31/11 Page 2 of 3 PageID 24475