MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC118] - Page 1IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., § Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-FMANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and §MUNISH KRISHAN, §Plaintiffs. §§v. §§JEFFREY BARON, and §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §Defendants. §MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDINGWITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC 118] TO CLARIFY RECORDFOR HEARING ON STAY PENDING APPEAL & BRIEF IN SUPPORTTO THE HONORABLE ROYAL FURGESON, U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE:COMES NOW, Jeffrey Baron, Appellant, and respectfully requests thisCourt to clarify the record of proceedings and strike the Notice of TransmittalRegarding Withdrawal of Reference [DOC 118].1. The report and recommendation attached by the bankruptcy court to thetransmittal is not a report regarding withdrawal of reference.2. The bankruptcy court’s report was transmitted in violation of the FederalRules of Bankruptcy Procedure. Bankruptcy Rule 9033, which governs theprocedure for transmittal of reports and recommendations and mandatorily requiresthat the report shall be filed with relationship to proceedings which were heard bythe bankruptcy Court. The bankruptcy Court conducted no hearing on the subjectCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 201 Filed 01/04/11 Page 1 of 5 PageID 4598MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC118] - Page 2of the report, and the filing of such report is accordingly not in conformity with theBankruptcy Rules.3. The required opportunity to object to the report was also circumvented.The Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure require that “The clerk shall serve forthwithcopies on all parties by mail and note the date of mailing on the docket” and“Within 14 days after being served with a copy of the proposed findings of fact andconclusions of law a party may serve and file with the clerk written objections whichidentify the specific proposed findings or conclusions objected to and state thegrounds for such objection.” F.R.Bankr.P. 9033. This procedure was not followed.Less than 14 days after the drafting of the report, the district court adopted thereport, circumventing the statutory objection period.4. The bankruptcy court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to make thereport. The bankruptcy court erroneously concluded that it had jurisdiction tomake the recommendation because “there could conceivably be an impact on theOndova bankruptcy estate, if attorneys who represented Jeffrey Baron and hisrelated entities go unpaid and make ‘substantial contribution’ claims against thebankruptcy estate.” Since the right to reimbursement is owned primarily by thecreditor and based on contribution to the estate, whether the attorney is paid or notis irrelevant to any conceivable impact on the bankruptcy estate.Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 201 Filed 01/04/11 Page 2 of 5 PageID 4599MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC118] - Page 3If a creditor pays an attorney who provided the services creating a substantialcontribution to the bankruptcy case, that creditor is entitled to file a claim and recoverhis expenses. E.g., In re Energy Partners, Ltd., 422 BR 68 (Bankr.S.D.Tex. 2009).An example of this rule applied in by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is Matter ofDP Partners Ltd. Partnership, 106 F. 3d 667 (5th Cir. 1997).In DP Partners HFG incurred $150,700 in attorney's fees. The Court heldthat “reasonable compensation for professional services rendered by an attorney oran accountant of an entity whose expense is allowable under paragraph (3) of thissubsection” and that “under the plain language of the statute, if HFG meets therequirements of section 503, it shall recover administrative expenses. This statutorymandate permits of no discretionary calls by the courts.” Accordingly the Courtheld HFG was “entitled to actual and necessary expenses incurred in making asubstantial contribution to DP's Chapter 11 reorganization, including reasonableprofessional fees.”So, if a creditor pays attorney’s fees for work which made a substantialcontribution to the bankruptcy case, the creditor is entitled to file a claim andreceive reimbursement as was HFG in the DP Partners case.If the same creditor does not pay the attorney, then the attorney is entitled tofile a claim to receive the same reimbursement directly. E.g., In re Texaco, Inc., 90B.R. 622 (S.D.N.Y. 1988).Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 201 Filed 01/04/11 Page 3 of 5 PageID 4600MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC118] - Page 4Accordingly, there is no conceivable impact to the bankruptcy estate arisingout of a creditor’s payment or non-payment of attorney’s fees and the bankruptcycourt is without subject matter jurisdiction to issue recommendations regarding thesubject—especially where there is no formal dispute or state litigation regardingthe alleged claims.FOR THE FOREGOING REASONS, Mr. Baron respectfully requests thisCourt to strike the Notice of Transmittal Regarding Withdrawal of Reference[DOC 118].Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsState Bar No. 00791608Drawer 670804Dallas, Texas 75367(214) 210-5940(214) 347-4031 FacsimileAPPELLATE COUNSEL FORJEFFREY BARONCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 201 Filed 01/04/11 Page 4 of 5 PageID 4601MOTION TO STRIKE NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL REGARDING WITHDRAWAL OF REFERENCE [DOC118] - Page 5CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this was served on all parties who receive notificationthrough the Court’s electronic filing system./s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCEThis is to certify that the undersigned called conferred with Mr. Raymond J.Urbanik, attorney for DANIEL J. SHERMAN, Trustee for ONDOVA LIMITEDCOMPANY, and they oppose./s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 201 Filed 01/04/11 Page 5 of 5 PageID 4602![]()