No. 10-11202In theUnited States Court of Appealsfor the Fifth Circuit▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬NETSPHERE, INC. Et Al,Plaintiffsv.JEFFREY BARON,Defendant-Appellantv.ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY,Defendant-Appellee▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Appeal of Order Appointing Receiver in Settled Lawsuit▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cons. w/ No. 11-10113NETSPHERE INC., Et Al, Plaintiffsv.JEFFREY BARON, Et Al, Defendantsv.QUANTEC L.L.C.; NOVO POINT L.L.C.,Appellantsv.PETER S. VOGEL,Appellee▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Appeal of Order Adding Non-Parties Novo Point, LLCand Quantec, LLC as Receivership Parties▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬From the United States District CourtNorthern District of Texas, Dallas DivisionCivil Action No. 3-09CV0988-F▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬RESPONSE TO VOGEL SEALED MOTION TO HAVETHE PROPRIETY OF HIS ACTIONS CONFIRMEDAND MOTION FOR EVIDENTIARY HEARING▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Case: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 1 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-1-TO THE HONORABLE FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS:COMES NOW Appellants, and subject to the preliminary Fifth Amendmentobjection and motion previously filed in this cause, make this response withrespect to the 8-16-11 Sealed MOTION filed by Appellee Mr. Peter S. Vogel in 11-10113 to Confirm Propriety of Domain Name Deactivations and sealed appendix.Appellants move that an evidentiary hearing be allowed prior to the entry of anorder confirming the propriety of the receiver’s actions.I. ARGUMENT AND AUTHORITYVogel offers no legal authority to support the relief he requests. Vogel doesnot seek court approval, but seeks a preemptive finding that his actions have beenproper.Background of Peter Vogel and Jeff BaronSeveral years ago, Jeff Baron personally consulted with Vogel, and sharedimportant trade secrets regarding the domain name registration process of Ondova.Baron’s consultations with Vogel were clearly with a view towards Vogel’s and hisfirm’s representation of Baron and Ondova. Accordingly, Vogel was under a strictduty to maintain the confidentiality of Baron’s disclosures to him. See Nolan v.Freeman, 665 F.2d 738, 739 n.3 (5th Cir. 1982). Vogel, however, violated thatconfidence and used the information to turn his law firm into a ‘specialist’ at suingJeff Baron and Ondova. Pursuant to Federal law, all of this should have beendisclosed by Vogel before he was appointed special master in the District CourtCase: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 2 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-2-proceedings below.1It was not. Then, while acting as special master, Vogel heldsecret consultations with respect to having himself appointed receiver over JeffBaron. SR. v5 p238. Vogel then personally filed an order signed by JudgeFurgeson appointing Vogel receiver ex parte. Vogel, while still employed asspecial master in the case, then filed a motion to have himself appointed receiverover the assets of Novo Point, LLC, and Quantec, LLC. R. 1717.DOMAIN NAME DISPUTES: What Should Be HappeningNovo Point, LLC and Quantec, LLC own together around two hundredthousand unique domain name assets. The domains were registered in good faith,based on a computer algorithm as to what pragmatically are key generic terms thatweb surfers would be interested in. The focus of the companies’ business model isproviding multiple users access to common domain names. While sites are beingdeveloped, domain monetization services are used to provide additional incomestreams. Many of the domain names are extremely valuable, and third partiesoccasionally attempt to take over the domains by filing domain name disputes.Additionally, sometimes a domain name intended to be generic is not, and due toan error in the computer algorithm a domain name might have been registered thatclearly is not generic.1Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 53(b)(3) strictly requires that a court may issue an orderappointing a special master only after the master files an affidavit disclosing any ground fordisqualification under 28 U.S.C. §455.Case: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 3 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-3-When a third party raises to the attention of the companies that they have anissue with the companies’ ownership of any particular domain, there is afundamental legal question that must be answered as a preliminary matter: Was theregistration of the domain name lawful ? Because the computer algorithm used toregister the domain names was designed to register lawful generic names, theanswer to this question should in the usual course of events be “Yes”.DOMAIN NAME DISPUTES: What Is HappeningHere Vogel has a serious conflict of interest. He and his law partners have inthe past filed a substantial number of lawsuits alleging that the registration ofdomain names (including specifically those owned now by Novo Point, LLC andQuantec, LLC) was not lawful. If Vogel were to assert— as is his fiduciary dutyas receiver for the companies— that the registrations are lawful, he would beundermining a significant portion of the lawsuits his firm would otherwiseundertake. Accordingly, in direct and gross violation of his fiduciary duties tothe companies, Vogel has prevented the companies from asserting that theirregistration of the domains was lawful. The results have been disastrous for thecompanies.As Vogel is well aware (he and his law partners have alleged this fact inprior lawsuits), a company that has lost prior domain name dispute arbitrations ispresumed to have registered domains in bad faith. The more prior domain nameregistrations that have been lost, the greater and more significant the presumptionCase: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 4 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-4-of bad faith. To contest a domain name dispute in arbitration, a simple formneeds to be filled out, explaining why the domain registration was proper pursuantto the international rules. A staff attorney at $8,000.00 per month cost wouldnormally perform this function for the companies.Vogel has prevented this from happening, and has instead DEFAULTED onevery single domain name dispute brought against the companies. Because hedoes not want to take the position that the registrations were lawful, Vogel hasrefused to defend the companies’ assets. Instead, Vogel has attempted tointimidate those with domain name disputes to ‘honor’ the District Court stay.This has worked for some claimants, but many, realizing that the District Court hasno jurisdictional authority to stay international arbitration proceedings, havecontinued with their disputes. The companies have BY DEFAULT lost thosedisputes. Vogel has for the time being hidden the result of his gross and intentionalneglect by pushing the domain name registrar to ignore the international arbitrationpanel results—but only while the receivership is pending. What will happen thesecond the receivership is dissolved ? Due to Vogel’s multiple defaults, it appearsthat hundreds of thousands of dollars (and potentially millions of dollars) indomain name assets will be instantly lost as the registrar then complies with thecompleted arbitration panel decisions against the companies (which Vogelintentionally defaulted on).Notably, Vogel has caused severe reputation damage to the companies byallowing multiple defaults of domain name disputes. This serves his personalCase: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 5 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-5-interest and the interest of his law firm, but it is in direct violation of Vogel’sfiduciary duties to the companies.Vogel Seeks to Be Relieved of Liability for His Gross Violation of DutyAccordingly, what Vogel is really seeking is a court order he can later use toabsolve himself of liability for his gross violation of his fiduciary duty as receiver.Notably, Vogel has failed to disclose to this Honorable Court that he has preventedthe companies from substantively responding or defending before the arbitrationpanels any of the multiple domain name disputes brought against the companies’assets. Vogel notably offers no legal authority as to why an internationalarbitration panel, clearly outside the territorial jurisdiction of a US District Court,would be suspended by a district court’s receivership order. Notably too, Vogel hastaken no action to reverse the arbitration awards against the companies that havebeen granted in the past 9 months.WHEREFORE, Vogel’s motion should be in all things denied and overruled.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsTexas State Bar No. 007916085400 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1200Dallas, Texas 75240(214) 210-5940 - Telephone(214) 347-4031 - FacsimileEmail: legal@schepps.netCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANTSCase: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 6 Date Filed: 09/09/2011-6-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this motion was served this day on all parties who receivenotification through the Court’s electronic filing system.CERTIFIED BY: /s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCOUNSEL FOR APPELLANTCase: 10-11202 Document: 00511598319 Page: 7 Date Filed: 09/09/2011![]()