G A R Y N. S C H E P P S
A T T O R N E Y & C O U N S E L O R
DRAWER 670804
May 6, 2011
Hon. Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr.
United States District Judge
1100 Commerce Street, Room 1359
Dallas, Texas 75242-1001
Re: 3-09CV0988-F In Re Jeff Baron Receivership
Your Honor,
Jeff was set to have surgery last Friday. He needed $2,000.00 to cover the
insurance deductible. We asked the receiver, they refused. Jeff didn't have the surgery.
We respectfully request the Court’s assistance to have the receiver release $2,000.00 for
Jeff's medical needs without spending hours of time on it.
With respect to the supplemental Section 144 affidavit, we have added quotes and
hearing dates. If the time were available, I could track down the page and lines. It is not.
The reason that was not done is not out of disrespect for your honor. Rather, your
honor’s order that I be trial counsel while not allowing me to paid for the work or
expenses, combined with the receivers’ ongoing work mill (funded by your honor with
hundreds of thousands of dollars of Jeff’s life savings) has, as a financial matter, forced
me to work without office support staff. The daily demands of working in response to
the receiver’s ongoing work mill–without office staff and associated attorneys– while still
attending to pre-existing obligations to other clients, exceeds the time available each day.
Obviously, without funding for support staff I am substantially handicapped in the ability
to do my job.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Gary N. Schepps
Gary N. Schepps
Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 524 Filed 05/06/11 Page 1 of 1 PageID 18704