G A R Y N. S C H E P P S
A T T O R N E Y & C O U N S E L O R
DRAWER 670804
April 1, 2011
Hon. Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr.
United States District Judge
1100 Commerce Street, Room 1359
Dallas, Texas 75242-1001
Re: 3-09CV0988-F In Re Jeff Baron Receivership
Your Honor,
We swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution. Far too many young men
have shed their blood defending our constitutional rights, to allow the constitution to be
subverted for expedience.
The Seventh Amendment guarantees every American, including Jeff Baron, the
right to trial by jury. E.g., Ross v. Bernhard, 396 U.S. 531, 542 (1970). I am ashamed of
the attorneys working so hard to subvert the constitution for the jingle of silver.
If Jeff 'wins' and is afforded the constitutional right to trial by jury, we all win. If
he loses, we all lose.
If your honor finds this letter helpful, please pay my fee. Your honor hired me to
be Jeff's trial counsel, but your honor has not paid the bill for the work. There are over
700 hours of work accumulated since your honor hired me.
Very truly yours,
Gary N. Schepps
Court ordered trial counsel for Jeff Baron
Your honor may find that protecting the constitution also leads to a good result for all
involved. If helpful for you honor’s consideration, the moment the receivership is
dissolved–it has stretched already four long months, we will ask the ‘claimant’ attorneys
to join us at the State Bar fee dispute committee to arbitrate.
Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 423 Filed 04/01/11 Page 1 of 2 PageID 16359