JOINT MOTION TO FILE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNDER SEAL - Page 1 of 1Gerrit M. PronskeState Bar No. 16351640Melanie P. GoolsbyState Bar No. 24059841PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 658-6500 - Telephone(214) 658-6509 – TelecopierEmail: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: mgoolsby@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONINGCREDITORSMark StrombergState Bar No. 19508830Stromberg Stock, PLLCTwo Lincoln Centre5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300Dallas, Texas 75240Telephone 972/458-5335Facsimile 972/770-2156Email: mark@strombergstock.comATTORNEYS FOR JEFFREY BARON,ALLEGED DEBTORIN THE UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONIn re:JEFFREY BARON,Debtor.§§§§§CASE NO. 12-37921-7INVOLUNTARY CHAPTER 7PROCEEDINGJOINT MOTION TO FILE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNDER SEALTO THE HONORABLE STACEY G.C. JERNIGAN,UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY JUDGE:Pronske & Patel, P.C., Shurig Jetel Beckett Tackett, Dean Ferguson, Gary G. Lyon,Robert Garrey, Powers Taylor, LLP, Jeffrey Hall, and David Pacione (together, the “PetitioningCreditors”) and Jeffrey Baron, the Alleged Debtor (“Baron” and together with the PetitioningCreditors, the “Parties”) file this Joint Motion to File Settlement Agreement Under Seal (the“Motion”) pursuant to Sections 105(a) of the United States Bankruptcy Code and 11 U.S.C. §§101 et. seq. (the “Bankruptcy Code”), for the entry of an order authorizing the Parties to file theirproposed settlement agreement containing personal and confidential information under seal. Insupport of this Motion, the Parties respectfully represents as follows:Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 230 Filed 06/21/13 Entered 06/21/13 22:04:27 Page 1 of 4JOINT MOTION TO FILE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNDER SEAL - Page 2 of 21. As more fully set forth in the motion to approve settlement agreement filedcontemporaneously with this motion (the “Settlement Agreement”), the Petitioning Creditors,Baron, and potentially other parties have reached a settlement and agreed wind-down plan tofinally resolve the disputes underlying the Receivership and involuntary matter that provides forthe payment in full of the Receivership professional claims allowed by the District Court,payment of the claims of the Petitioning Creditors’ and other attorney claimants at an agreedpercentage, and return of Baron’s remaining assets to Baron or the appropriate Receivershipparty.2. The Parties believe that the Settlement Agreement contains confidential, sensitiveinformation that should not be made publicly available until after the expedited hearingrequested on Monday, June 24, 2013, including details related to the sale of a portfolio ofdomain names and the terms of a proposed compromise between Baron and his current lawyers.There is a risk that, should these sensitive details become publicly available, the terms of theSettlement Agreement may no longer be viable.3. The Parties respectfully request this Court’s permission to file the SettlementAgreement under seal prior to the requested expedited hearing on Monday, June 24, 2013.WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Petitioning Creditors and Baronrespectfully request that the Court enter an order authorizing the Parties to file the SettlementAgreement under seal and grant the Petitioning Creditors and Baron such other and further reliefto which they may be justly entitled.Case 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 230 Filed 06/21/13 Entered 06/21/13 22:04:27 Page 2 of 4JOINT MOTION TO FILE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNDER SEAL - Page 3 of 3Dated: June 21, 2013.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Melanie P. GoolsbyGerrit M. PronskeState Bar No. 16351640Melanie P. GoolsbyState Bar No. 24059841PRONSKE & PATEL, P.C.2200 Ross Avenue, Suite 5350Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 658-6500 - Telephone(214) 658-6509 – TelecopierEmail: gpronske@pronskepatel.comEmail: mgoolsby@pronskepatel.comCOUNSEL FOR THE PETITIONINGCREDITORSAnd/s/ Mark Stromberg*Mark StrombergState Bar No. 19508830Stromberg Stock, PLLCTwo Lincoln Centre5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 300Dallas, Texas 75240Telephone 972/458-5335Facsimile 972/770-2156Email:*with permission /s/ Melanie P. GoolsbyATTORNEYS FOR JEFFREY BARON,ALLEGED DEBTORCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 230 Filed 06/21/13 Entered 06/21/13 22:04:27 Page 3 of 4JOINT MOTION TO FILE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNDER SEAL - Page 4 of 4CERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThe undersigned does hereby certify that, on June 21, 2013, a true and correct copy of theabove and foregoing pleading was served upon the counsel and parties listed below via email andalso via ECF email upon all parties accepting such service.David J. SchenckJeffrey R. FineDykema Gossett, PLLC1717 Main Street, Suite 4000Dallas, Texas 75201Email: dschenck@dykema.comjfine@dykema.comPeter VogelGardere Wynne Sewell1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000Dallas, Texas 75201-4761Email: pvogel@gardere.comRichard M. RobersonGardere Wynne Sewell, LLP1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000Dallas, Texas 75201Email: rroberson@gardere.comRaymond J. UrbanikMunsch, Hardt, Kopf & Harr, P.C.500 N. Akard Street, Ste. 3800Dallas, Texas 75201-6659Email: rurbanik@munsch.comJohn W. MacPeteMacPete IP LawP.O. Box 224762Dallas, Texas 75222Email: Melanie P. GoolsbyMelanie P. GoolsbyCase 12-37921-sgj7 Doc 230 Filed 06/21/13 Entered 06/21/13 22:04:27 Page 4 of 4![]()