NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT - Page 1IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., )MANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., and )MUNISH KRISHAN, )Plaintiffs, ))vs. ) Civil Action No. 3-09CV0988-F)JEFFREY BARON, and )ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, )Defendants. )NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THEUNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALSFOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT______________________________Notice is hereby given that JEFFREY BARON, defendant in the above-namedcase hereby appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit from:a. [DOC 272] The District Court’s Order granting doc 180 (Third MOTION toClarify the Receiver Order)(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011)(Entered: 02/07/2011).b. [DOC 274] The District Court’s Order granting doc 190 Motion forReimbursement of Fees Incurred by Receivership Professional Joshua Cox.(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 340 Filed 03/03/11 Page 1 of 5 PageID 7670NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT - Page 2c. [DOC 275] The District Court’s Order granting doc 192 Motion forReimbursement of Fees and Expenses Incurred by the Receiver. (Ordered byJudge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).d. [DOC 276] The District Court’s Order granting doc 193 Motion forReimbursement of Fees and Expenses Incurred by Gardere Wynne Sewell.(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).e. [DOC 278] The District Court’s Order granting doc 196 Motion forReimbursement of Fees Incurred by Receivership Professional James Eckels.(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).f. [DOC 279] The District Court’s Order granting doc 199 Motion for OrderConfirming Propriety of Fund Management. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgesonon 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).g. [DOC 283] The District Court’s Order granting doc 217 Second Application forReimbursement of Fees Incurred by Receivership Professional Joshua Cox.(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011)h. [DOC 284] The District Court’s Order granting doc 221 Motion forReimbursement of Additional Personal Funds. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgesonon 2/3/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).i. [DOC 285] The District Court’s Order denying doc 237 Emergency Motion toPay Server Fees. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011) (Entered:02/07/2011).Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 340 Filed 03/03/11 Page 2 of 5 PageID 7671NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT - Page 3j. [DOC 287] The District Court’s Order granting doc 241 Fourth Motion forClarification of Receiver Order. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011)(Entered: 02/07/2011).k. [DOC 288] The District Court’s Order granting doc 242 Motion to Permit Sales ofDomain Names. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011) (Entered:02/07/2011).l. [DOC 292] The District Court’s Order granting doc 256 The Receiver’s ThirdJoshua Cox Fee Application. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011)(Entered: 02/07/2011).m.[DOC 293] The District Court’s Order granting doc 257 Motion to Restart 10-DayClock to File Miscellaneous Actions. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on2/4/2011) (Entered: 02/07/2011).n. [DOC 294] The District Court’s Order granting doc 258 Motion for SecondGardere Fee Application. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011)(Entered: 02/07/2011).o. [DOC 295] The District Court’s Order granting doc 259 Motion for SecondReceiver Fee Application. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/4/2011)(Entered: 02/07/2011).p. [DOC 297] The District Court’s Order GRANTING THE RECEIVER’SFOURTH COX FEE APPLICATION. (Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on2/7/2011) (Entered: 02/08/2011).Case 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 340 Filed 03/03/11 Page 3 of 5 PageID 7672NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT - Page 4q. [DOC 316] The District Court’s Order denying doc 264 Emergency Motion toClarify or Modify 1/7/2011 Order and for Further Emergency Relief. (Ordered byJudge Royal Furgeson on 2/10/2011) (Entered: 02/14/2011).r. [DOC 318] The District Court’s Order REQUIRING PARTIES TO MEET ANDCONFER IN PERSON PRIOR TO FILING ANY MOTION IN THIS COURT.(Ordered by Judge Royal Furgeson on 2/11/2011) (Entered: 02/15/2011).This appeal is taken pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§1292(a)(1) and (2).The parties to the order appealed from and the names, addresses, and telephonenumbers of their respective attorneys are as follows:Appellant: Defendant JEFFREY BARONRepresented on Appeal by:Gary N. ScheppsDrawer 670804Dallas, Texas 75367Telephone (214) 210-5940Facsimile (214) 347-4031legal@schepps.netCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 340 Filed 03/03/11 Page 4 of 5 PageID 7673NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT - Page 5Appellee: Defendant ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANYc/o DANIEL J. SHERMAN, TrusteeRepresented by: Raymond J. UrbanikMunsch, Hardt, Koph & Harr, PC500 N. Akard Street, Suite 3800Dallas, Texas 75201-6659Telephone (214) 855-7500Facsimile (214) 855-7584rurbanik@munsch.comDated: March 3, 2011.Respectfully submitted,/s/ Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsState Bar No. 00791608Drawer 670804Dallas, Texas 75367Telephone (214) 210-5940Facsimile (214) 347-4031legal@schepps.netAPPELLATE COUNSELFOR JEFFREY BARONCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEThis is to certify that this was served on all parties who receive notificationthrough the Court’s electronic filing system and including:Martin Thomas Raymond J. UrbanikPO Box 36528 Munsch, Hardt, Koph & Harr, PCDallas, Texas 75235 500 N. Akard Street, Suite Dallas, Texas Gary N. ScheppsGary N. ScheppsCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 340 Filed 03/03/11 Page 5 of 5 PageID 7674![]()