IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTFOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXASDALLAS DIVISIONNETSPHERE, INC., §MANILA INDUSTRIES, INC., AND §MUNISH KRISHAN §§PLAINTIFFS, §§V. § CIVIL ACTION NO. 3:09-CV-0988-F§JEFFREY BARON AND §ONDOVA LIMITED COMPANY, §§DEFENDANTS. §RECEIVER’S OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S FEE APPLICATIONBased on this Court’s Scheduling Order of April 5, 2013 [Docket No. 1220] Peter S.Vogel, Receiver over Jeffrey Baron and the Receivership Parties (the “Receiver”), files thisObjection to the Fee Application filed by the Chapter 11 Trustee Daniel J. Sherman (the“Trustee”) on April 17, 2013 [Docket No. 1229] since the Trustee has never been hired by theReceiver as a Receivership Professional.I. RECEIVERSHIP PROFESSIONALSBased on the recommendation of the Honorable Stacey Jernigan, judge in the OndovaBankruptcy (In re Ondova Ltd. Co., No. 09-34784), on November 24, 2010 the Trustee in theOndova Bankruptcy, filed an Emergency Motion of Trustee for Appointment of a Receiver OverJeffrey Baron. On November 24, 2010 this Court issued the Order Appointing Receiver (the“Receivership Order”) [Docket No. 124] which included authority for the Receiver to “…choose,engage, and employ attorneys, accountants, appraisers, and other Independent contractors andtechnical specialists (collectively, “Professionals”) … Receiver deems advisable or necessary…”Receivership Order, p. 8. As a result of the Receivership Order, from November 24, 2010 untilCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1248 Filed 04/25/13 Page 1 of 3 PageID 63564RECEIVER’S OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S FEE APPLICATION Page 2today the Receiver has dedicated time almost daily to the Receivership estate, which work hasbeen extremely complex and involves a unique set of circumstances created by Mr. Baron’svexatious behavior in this Court, and many other Courts. As the Court is well-aware, theReceiver has hired many Professionals in the ensuing litigation and for the management of theReceivership estate as listed in chronological order below, HOWEVER THE TRUSTEE ISNOT INCLUDED IN THIS LIST:ProfessionalsPurposeBeginning DateEnding DateGardere Wynne Sewell LLPCounsel for the ReceiverNovember 2010July 201213 law firms outside of TexasServed as local counselfor the filing of 28 USC§754 miscellaneousactions to reachReceivership assetsDecember 2010PresentThomas JacksonCounsel for Receivershipparties Novo Point, LLCand Quantec, LLCDecember 2010March 2011Joshua CoxCounsel for Receivershipparty Quantec, LLCDecember 2010PresentJames EckelsCounsel for Receivershipparty Novo Point, LLCDecember 2010PresentJeffrey HarbinManager of Receivershipparties Novo Point, LLCand Quantec, LLCDecember 2010February 2011Gary LyonCounsel for the ReceiverDecember 2010PresentGrant Thornton LLPCPAs for ReceivershipDecember 2010PresentMartin ThomasCounsel for JefferyBaron in the OndovaBankruptcyDecember 2010September 2012Damon NelsonManager of Receivershipparties Novo Point, LLCand Quantec, LLCFebruary 2011PresentDykema Gossett PLLCCounsel for the ReceiverJuly 2012PresentMatt MorrisExpert Witness forConfirmation Hearing inOndova BankruptcyOctober 2012PresentCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1248 Filed 04/25/13 Page 2 of 3 PageID 63565RECEIVER’S OBJECTION TO TRUSTEE’S FEE APPLICATION Page 3The Receiver has contracts with the Receivership Professionals to pay their fees and expensessubject to the approval of the Court, HOWEVER THE RECEIVER HAS NEVER HAD ACONTRACT WITH THE TRUSTEE, AND ACCORDINGLY THE TRUSTEE IS NOT ARECEIVERSHIP PROFESSIONAL.II. FEES AND EXPENSES OF THE RECEIVERSHIPOn April 17, 2013 the Receiver filed a Fee Application for the Receivership Professionalsand the Receiver which did not include the Trustee since the Trustee has never been hired as aReceivership Professional, and accordingly the Receiver objects to the Trustee’s Fee Applicationin its entirety.Respectfully submitted,By: /s/ Peter S. VogelPeter S. VogelState Bar No. 206015001601 Elm Street, Suite 3000Dallas, Texas 75201(214) 999-3000(214) 999-3422 FacsimileRECEIVER, PETER S. VOGELCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEI hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served via theCourt’s ECF system on all counsel of record on April 25, 2013.By: /s/ Peter S. VogelPeter S. VogelCase 3:09-cv-00988-F Document 1248 Filed 04/25/13 Page 3 of 3 PageID 63566