Judge Threatens Defendant
By Dave Tomers, World Net Daily American jurisprudence: Fair, reasonable, following the rule of law and delivering the best chance for justice anywhere, right? Well, how about a Texas district court case in which there are allegations a judge threatened a participant, ordered that his assets be seized, told him he was not allowed to […]
Diabetes Research Fund Looted by Greed
Jeff’s dream was to help researchers of Juvenile Onset Diabetes (Type 1) find a cure for this dreaded disease. That dream became a nightmare when a group of rogue lawyers decided they want to strip Jeff of his funds, his assets and Diabetes Trust to line their pockets with his dream. Jeff was diagnosed with […]
Involuntary Bankruptcy Deemed Unlawful
The lawyer claims that forced jeff Baron into involuntary bankruptcy was overturned by Judge Lindsay of the Northern District of TX Federal Court. Judge Jernigan’s reading of the law was deemed wrong. Click here For the Opinion Click here For the Order
American Dream Becomes a Nightmare
By WILLIAM WINDSOR Jeff Baron is an Internet pioneer who, at the age of 32, invented a technology in the early days of the Internet to make it easier to register Internet domain names. Jeff quickly became successful. His business was profitable and made money. But today, Jeff Baron does not even own the shirt on his […]
Civil rights in Jeopardy
Click here for a copy of the email where the court prohibits Jeff from hiring counsel. Below is a text copy of the email: From: GOLDEN, BARRY Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 8:13 PM To: ‘jeffbaron1@gmail.com’ Cc: VOGEL, PETER; LOH, PETER Subject: FW: Jeff Baron Receivership Dear Mr. Baron, As you know, I am counsel […]
Abuse of Power
What is Abuse of Power? When a Federal Judge orders the impossible and threatens contempt of court if the impossible order cannot be made is abuse of power. Judge Jernigan knows fully well that Jeff Baron cannot possibly comply with her orders, she is setting him up for a disastrous outcome. Q: What makes her […]